Karel++ Exercises Submitted by Educators

These exercises were developed after the book went to press. They were developed by the people named. Note that unless the solution calls for multiple robots, these problems can also be solved using Karel The Robot.

If you would like to submit a new exercise and have it published here, send it to me with a solution. Be sure to send me identifying information about yourself and a statement releasing it for publication. I will not publish the solutions, but will make them available to educators. berginf@pace.edu

Chapter 5

1N. (Joseph Bergin, Pace University)

2N. (Joseph Bergin, Pace University)

Chapter 6

1N. (Joseph Bergin, Pace University)

2N. (Joseph Bergin, Pace University)

3N. (Joseph Bergin, Pace University)

4N. (Joseph Bergin, Pace University)

Note: You may have noticed the phrase "Think recursively" here and in the text. There is a book by Eric Roberts named "Thinking Recursively." It is published by Wiley & Sons and I recommend it highly.