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Class orderprocessing.Order


public class Order
extends java.lang.Object
This class represents a single order from a single customer. Note that this class implements the Immutable Object design pattern as it has no mutators for any of its instance variables.

Constructor Index

 o Order(Customer, Vector, Date)
Create an Order for a particular customer and a sequence of items ordered

Method Index

 o display()
 o key()
Return the order number
 o toString()
 o what()
 o when()
 o who()


 o Order
 public Order(orderprocessing.Customer who,
              java.util.Vector what,
              java.util.Date when)
Create an Order for a particular customer and a sequence of items ordered

who - The customer ordering these items
what - A vector of OrderItems representing the items ordered
when - The date that this order was placed


 o who
 public orderprocessing.Customer who()
 o what
 public java.util.Enumeration what()
 o when
 public java.util.Date when()
 o key
 public long key()
Return the order number

 o display
 public void display()
 o toString
 public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object

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