Karel++ Treats
This page will be used to distribute extras that we discover from time to
time. Enjoy.
Some instructors want to introduce recursion before iteration. Here is
an extra section 4.9 of the book that could be
used for this purpose, and here is the equivalent
Java version
Here is a possible Eighth Chapter for the
book. (There is no seventh in this numbering.) It talks about the world
beyond the robot world. This version assumes you are moving to C++ (not
Java). The equivalent Java chapter is with the other Java materials at:
Karel J. Robot
Some of you use TextPad (from textpad.com) on the PC. Here is a syntax
definition file for Karel++ programs: kpp.syn. In
Configure/New Document Class... you can create a new document class for
Karel++ programs using this file. The file belongs inside the TextPad/System