Professor Howard Blum 
(212) 346-1871
Fall 2013
CRN 73651

CS 632 Directed Readings

    This 1-credit course gives students the opportunity to research and report on the literature of a topic of current interest in Computer Science or Telecommunications, or to carry out a project.
  • Contact - If you are considering a Directed Reading, feel free to contact me concerning a topic. I will encourage you to select your topic based upon your interest and experience.
  • Proposal - Prior to registering, you must prepare a two-page written proposal containing a brief description and several references for your topic.  You can submit your proposal by email to (Subject: CS632 Proposal). Include
    • your proposed topic
    • your phone number
    • why you are interested in doing the topic
    • what other courses you will be taking at the same time
    • your proposal as an MS Word e-mail attachment. It should be contain a brief description and several references for your topic. See the Student Report Guidelines below for format.
  • Proposal Review - I will usually respond to a proposal within several days. I will either approve your proposal or suggest modifications.
  • Discussions - As you conduct your research, I encourage you to contact me for one or two discussions concerning your findings, questions either of us may have, references, or issues to be addressed. This should be done about half-way through the semester in which you are registered, if not sooner.
  • Report - Your report must follow the guidelines in the following document:
    Student Report Guidelines (MS Word file)

    You should submit your report to me as an MS Word e-mail attachment. Upon receiving your report, I will plan to review it within several days and call you to discuss any questions I might have, or modifications which I might suggest. I may request that we meet and that you make a brief presentation to me of your report. 

    You should submit your report at least three weeks before the end of the semester in order to provide time for my review and avoid an Incomplete if modifications of the report are required. 

    Follow the Student Report Guidelines carefully, particularly in formatting you paper and citing references. Be sure to include a version date on the title page to enable tracking revisions.

    Any errors in spelling and grammar must be carefully avoided. All readers, and especially professors, resent having to read a paper that is poorly organized or carelessly written. Before submitting any document, it is recommended to have a friend, colleague or classmate review the paper for errors and readability.

Last Updated:  8-23-13