Course Policies

Grading for the class will be based on the exams, handins, and your in-class participation. 

The grading weights are approximately:

10% handins
10% in-class participation  (includes presentation, if required)
30% midterm exam
50% final exam
though I will use my discretion in assigning a final letter grade.

The weekly handins are collected at the beginning of each meeting, and are then reviewed. They cover prior lectures and provide you with the opportunity to apply recently covered concepts. If you have difficulties with some of the questions, pay particular attention to the in-class review. The grading of handins is minimal, providing me with some feedback of how you are progressing, and indicating to you areas that may need more careful review.

Your handin must reflect your own understanding. You may discuss concepts, but there must be no sharing of answers prior to submitting your handin and the completion of the in-class review.

Late handins will not be accepted. If you cannot attend a session, you should email your handin to me prior to the class meeting where due.

The exams will reflect (and be of a similar nature to) the homeworks and the in-class examples and discussion items. The final exam will be cumulative, covering the entire semester's material, and consequently carries the most weight.

Exams are closed-book. For both the midterm and final you may use a sheet (8.5x11) of notes, so that memorization of formulas should not be required.

Any copying or sharing of work on an exam will result in a zero on the exam and may result in failure for the course, in accordance with the Seidenberg School Policy regarding Academic Integrity.