About This Website

Statement of Purpose

This website is a non-commercial site that is dedicated to the music and legacy of one of the greatest trumpet players in jazz history, Theodore "Fats" Navarro. There are no links to vendors or other commercial interests.

The website first became available in the fall of 1997. Over the many years of its existence, the website has undergone many changes and is continually subject to modification as errors are identified and new information comes to light. Please contact the developer with comments about this site, including possible errors, new information, or suggestions on how the site might be improved.

For a full history of the website, please refer to the following article from 2009:

A Case Study in Building Communities of Common Interest: How One Website Changed Jazz History.

I am indepted to Pace University for hosting this website and providing technical support throughout its long history.


Stuart A. Varden, Ed.D.
Professor of Information Technoogy, Emeritus
Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems
Pace University