Members of my family still live in Fats' childhood home in Key West, Florida. I have always been afraid of the house, primarily because I have to sleep in Fats' old room. I recently found out that it was his old room, and maybe that accounts for the pervasive eerie feelings I experience. One member of the family, who is a painter, swears that he gains inspiration in "that room." My grandmother told me that she was recently visited by a Shavers cousin, who said people used to line up on the sidewalk to hear Fats blow the horn in "that room." In 1995 a man from Miami approached my aunt about naming a street in Miami after Fats. People continue to approach the old family home and inquire about Fats' history!
Although Fats never liked Key West, it loves him.
Danielle Navarro-Roberts
Niece of Theodore "Fats" Navarro
San Antonio, Texas