ssh - authorized_keys

For this lab to work we need to split into groups (one person will be the client another person the server). One group has to be the server group and another group can be the client group. Follow the steps to the correspondent group.

Public key cryptography uses a public key to encrypt data and a private key to decrypt it. The name public key comes from the fact that you can make the encryption key public without compromising the secrecy of the data or the decryption key.

What this means is that it is safe to send your public key (i.e. the contents of the ~/.ssh/ file) in electronic mail or by other means e.g. to have a system administrator of a remote site install that key into your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. For anyone to actually gain access they need the corresponding private key (i.e. the decrypted contents of ~/.ssh/id_rsa) to identify themselves.

To further protect your private key you should enter a passphrase to encrypt the key when it is stored in the filesystem. This will prevent people from using it even if they gain access to your files.

The very first step is to use ssh-keygen to create an authentication key for yourself. In most cases the defaults for this command are what you want.

Always, always, type in a good pass-phrase when prompted for one. It can be multiple words (i.e. spaces are just fine within the phrase), so you could choose a sentence that you can remember. Changing some of the words by misspelling them or by changing some of the letters into digits is highly recommended to increase the strength of your pass phrase.

Client Group and Sever Group:

Modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config

1.       Open a new gnome-terminal and type:    

su -

enter “redhat”  for the password

edit using nano the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:

Look for these three lines uncomment them by removing the ‘#’ in front:




2.       Do a CTRL+o to save and CTRL+x to exit nano

3.       Restart the ssh service:


service sshd restart


4.       Exit the and close the gnome-terminal

Client Group:

1.       Power-up your VM

2.       Log-in with the student account

3.       Open the gnome-terminal

4.       Create a ssh session:

ssh student@

Type: “Yes” to continue

Password is “redhat”

After login to the rha-server

type “exit”                         

5.       Type “exit” one more time to exit out of the gnome-terminal

6.       Please wait for all other students to fish step 5

7.       Open a new gnome-terminal and type:    

  [student@rha030-vm-01-i ~]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

  Generating public/private rsa key pair.

  Enter file in which to save the key (/home/student/.ssh/id_rsa): [RETURN]

  Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): RedhatLinux

  Enter same passphrase again: RedhatLinux

  Your identification has been saved in /home/student/.ssh/id_rsa.

  Your public key has been saved in /home/student/.ssh/

  The key fingerprint is:



8.       cd ~


9.       cd .ssh


10.   ls -la



11.   cp authorized_keys


12.   ls -l




13.   Please ask your Server Group partner for the ip-address of his/her computer.


14.   When executing the following command replace the @ipaddress.of.client with the ip-address of your Server Group partner.


scp -p ~/.ssh/authorized_keys student@ipaddress.of.client:.ssh/



Type “yes”


Password for the student account is “redhat”



15.    Confirm that Server Group is done and they have received the authorized_keys file



Server Group:

1.       Power-up your VM

2.       Log-in with the student account

3.       Open the gnome-terminal

4.       Create a ssh session:

ssh student@

Type: “Yes” to continue

Password is “redhat”

After login to the rha-server

type “exit”                         

5.       Type “exit” one more type to exit out of the gnome-terminal


6.       Please wait for all other students to fish step 5


7.       Open a new gnome-terminal and type:    


8.       Type ifconfig and provide the ip-address of eth1 when requested by your Client Group partner:



9.       Please confirm that you have received the authorized_keys file. This authentication token will serve as the authentication token for the client to communicate with your machine (server)


Client Group – “Testing a Password-less Login”

1.       Using the ip-address from your server group partner open the gnome-terminal and type:

* When executing the following command replace the @ipaddress.of.client with the ip-address of your partner:

When you are prompted with the “unlock private key message” enter the passphrase “RedhatLinux” it is normal behavior to ask for this information on the first time you establish a connection to the server. 


2.       Type exit to close the connection:

3.       To confirm that the authentication token is working, try to establish a new connection again:

4.       Open a new gnome-terminal and try:

ssh student@ ipaddress.of.client

5.      At this point you should be able to login to the server group machine without the need of a password.