Pace Digital Gallery is pleased to present Art Talks with Lovid and Jill Magid

February 8th, 5 - 7pm (reception to follow)

LoVid is the artist duo Tali Hinkis and Kyle Lapidus. LoVid’s performances have been presented internationally at: International Film Festival Rotterdam, MoMA, PS1, The Kitchen, Roulette, Aurora Picture Show, NY Underground Film Festival, and FACT UK among many others. LoVid’s objects and installations have been in exhibitions such as: Rural Electrification (Real Art Ways, CT), State of the Art: NY (Urbis, UK), Reinventing Ritual (The Jewish Museum, NY), Reversible Strata Threshing (Butler Institute of American Art, OH), New Media: When (The Neuberger Museum, NY), and Airborn II (The New Museum, NY) among others. To develop and explore new ideas, LoVid has been artist in residence at Smack Mellon, Cue Art Foundation, Eyebeam, Harvestworks, iEAR, free103Point9, and Alfred University. LoVid has received fellowships, grants, and awards from The Netherland America Foundation, NYFA, LMCC, Experimental TV Center, NYSCA, Foundation for Contemporary Arts,, Puffin Foundation, and Greenwall Foundation. LoVid’s workshops and have been presented at venues including: Lightwave (The Science Gallery, Dublin), Evolution Festival (Leeds, UK), Chicago Art Institute, and The Jewish Theological Seminary.

Since 2001, Tali Hinkis and Kyle Lapidus have been working collaboratively under the artist identity of LoVid, combining their complementary interests in visual art, technology, music, and science. LoVid’s interdisciplinary work explores social, personal, and corporal experiences in the networked era. LoVid’s performances include sculptural instruments and explosive audiovisuals. LoVid’s installations and objects draw visitors into visceral works, preserving and extending the experience of live video. LoVid’s object-based works are playful as well as aggressive, combining hand-made and machine produced craft, DIY electro-engineering, textiles, video, and noise. LoVid's recent work focuses on tactile interactions between technology and the human body and engages the audience as active participants.

Jill Magid seeks intimate relations with impersonal structures. She is intrigued by hidden information, being public as a condition for existence, and intimacy in relation to power and observation. Magid's solo exhibitions include the Whitney Museum of American Art; Tate Modern, London; Yvon Lambert in New York and Paris; Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam; and Gagosian Gallery, NYC. Upcoming exhibitions include the Singapore Biennial, and Berkeley Art Museum, California. Magid lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.