Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow

Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow

Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow

Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow

Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow

Julie Theriot and Fred Soo

Jeff Clark

Cedric Kiefer and Daniel Franke

Kristian Kloeckl

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio

Francis T. Marchese, Curator


Nov 26th – Dec 20th, 2012

Mon – Thur : 12:00 – 5:00 PM

Flow exhibits five computer animations created by visualizers working across a variety of disciplines who are concerned with the movement of matter, information, and the intersection of the two. Their videos represent data either gathered through experiment or generated by computer simulation that illustrate motion at a range of topographical and time scales, from minutes for bacteria to years for the Earth’s ocean currents.

Flow Catalogue : PDF

Listeria Motility

Julie Theriot and Fred Soo

Bacteria may move in circles, weaving S-curves, straight lines, and seemingly random ‘‘dances.’’ Julie Theriot and Fred Soo’s video Listeria Motility captures these ballet motions of the bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes, as it is propelled through a host cell’s cytoplasm at approximately 75 nm/sec, rendering paths as red, glowing, and sinuous tails.


Julie A. Theriot

Stanford University




Movement in Manhattan

Jeff Clark


In Jeff Clark’s Movement in Manhattan, the trajectories created by successive geolocated positions of tweets from mobile phone users are imaged as comets that streak about the midtown Manhattan gridiron. The explosive rise and fall in the number of tweets over the course of a day are documented in a one minute video that exposes the chaotic dynamic



Jeff Clark





Unnamed Soundsculpture

Cedric Kiefer and Daniel Franke

A more orchestrated dynamism may be seen in Cedric Kiefer and Daniel Franke’s video Unnamed Soundsculpture, where the dancer’s interpretive body movements of a musical score are transmuted into an affecting sound sculpture in which thousands of beads, digitally attached to and immersing the dancer’s figure, ebb and flow through space with every move.



Cedric Kiefer


Libauer Straße 16

10245 Berlin





Daniel Franke




Trains in Time

Kristian Kloeckl

Kristian Kloeckl’s Trains in Time video tracks the flow of trains on the French National Railway Corporation’s (SNCF) high speed rail network during the course of a week. Using real-time data from imbedded sensors throughout the SNCF track network, it highlights those trains that are behind schedule, impeding the flow of thousands of passengers through the system.


Project Leader

Kristian Kloeckl



Xiaoji Chen

Christian Sommer


SENSEable City Laboratory

Carlo Ratti, Director

Assaf Biderman, Associate Director


SENSEable City Laboratory

MIT 9-209

77 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139 USA





Perpetual Ocean

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio

Perpetual Ocean by the NASA/ Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio is a visualization of the flow of tens of thousands of the Earth’s ocean currents synthesized from data gathered over an one and a half year period. Combining observational data with mathematical model, the video provides a realistic illustration of both the order and the chaos of the circulating waters that populate Earth’s ocean.



NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio

Dr. Horace Mitchell, SVS Director



Greg Shirah, NASA/GSFC (Lead)

Horace Mitchell, NASA/GSFC


Video Editor

Victoria Weeks (HTSI)



Hong Zhang (UCLA)

Dimitris Menemenlis, NASA/JPL CalTech