I welcome you to the Association for Information Technology, Special Interest Group on Education, or "EDSIG" as we have become known over the years. This is the single organization that devotes itself specifically to IS education, for it is our mission to provide IS educators with the latest research in educational techniques, processes, and technology. In fulfilling this mission we offer two primary tools: our annual Information Systems Education Conference (ISECON), and our Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE). ISECON will be held November 9-12, 2000 in Philadelphia, and JISE is a quarterly publication published by Computerworld. Back issues of JISE are available. The Conference Chair for ISECON 2000 is Dr. Stuart A. Varden of Pace University. Stuart has assembled a notable group of scholar-educators as area chairs; this conference promises to be an exceptional experience. You will have an opportunity to hear five distinguished speakers, learn the latest educational tools and topics, and become informed of the latest areas of pedagogical research. And of course, ISECON will present the Educator of the Year award. Our JISE editor is Dr. Kevin Elder of Ohio University and the requirements for the submission of articles to this journal are readily available. Join us at ISECON 2000.
William "Bill" Tastle, PhD
Copyright © 2000 Association of
Information Technology Professional Special Interest Group for Education (EDSIG).
All rights reserved. "Bill" Tastle Updated: 1/25/2000 14:06 |