The name of the organization shall be the Special Interest
Group for Education, called the EDSIG.
The purposes of the Special Interest Group are:
Disseminate and/or receive information about Computer
Information System education.
Enhance communications between industry and education.
Promote professional IS education policies and standards.
Promote professional IS education meetings and conferences.
Membership in the EDSIG shall be restricted to those persons who are:
AITP members who have an interest in furthering the cause of
educational principles.
Honorary membership may be granted to one person each year who
deserves special recognition for their contributions to the
Special Interest Group for Education.
Lifetime membership may be granted to those persons of prestigious
stature who are nominated by the EDSIG President and approved by
the EDSIG Board of Directors.
Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote on
each matter submitted to a vote of membership.
The Special Interest Group shall meet annually in conjunction
with the annual ISECON (Information Systems Education Conference)
to conduct such business as may properly come before it.
The Board of Directors shall conduct business as a group at least
(3) times each year. One of the Board of Directors meetings shall
be in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Special Interest
Government of this Special Interest Group shall be
vested in its Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors shall be constituted as follows:
The elected officers of the Special Interest Group
(The President, Executive Vice-President, Secretary,
Treasurer, and Director of Membership Services).
Five (5) directors elected at large from the
membership of the group.
The Immediate Past President of EDSIG.
The Executive Director of AITP shall serve as the
ex-officio Executive Director of the EDSIG.
Upon approval by the elected members of the Board of
Directors, chairpersons of committees or other
groups, as well as presidential appointees, may have
non-voting representation on the Board of Directors.
Elected members of the Board of the Directors have full
voting rights.
Directors shall be elected for terms of two (2) years. Three
directors shall be elected for terms beginning January 1 of
even numbered years and two directors shall be elected for terms
beginning on January 1 of odd numbered years.
Directors shall be elected by secret written ballot from the
nominees presented by the Nominating Committee. The Nominating
Committee shall attempt to present at least two candidates for
each ballot position, if candidates of equal merits can be
A plurality of votes cast is necessary for election to an office.
The election shall be conducted via first class mails at least
thirty (30) days previous to the annual meeting. The final
announcement of winners will be made at the annual meeting.
If a Nominating Committee is not named or not able to reach a
consensus about a slate of officers, the committee of the whole
membership as represented by the voting members present at the
next annual meeting may nominate a slate of officers during the
meeting. The board of directors will then mail ballots, collect
the results, and announce the results of the election to the
membership by an expeditious means, usually email or first class
mail if there is no email address for a member.
Elected directors may serve no more than two (2) consecutive
terms of office.
Any vacancy on the Board because of death, resignation,
disqualification, disability, or any other reason may be filled
temporarily by an appointment to that position by the President
until the next meeting of the Board of Directors at which time
the Board shall confirm the President's action or appoint someone
else to serve the remaining portion of the term of office.
Except as otherwise specifically provided in these Bylaws, all
decisions at any meeting of the Board of Directors or of any
committee thereof shall be by a majority of those represented
by a simple quorum.
The elected officers of the Special Interest Group shall
be President, Executive Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer, and Director of Membership Services.
Term of office shall coincide with the calendar year.
Officers shall be elected annually from the membership at
large and shall hold office for one term. No officer may
hold the same office for more than two (2) consecutive
Officers shall be elected by secret written ballot from
the nominees presented by the Nominating Committee. The
Nominating committee shall attempt to present at least two
candidates for each ballot position, if candidates of equal
merits can be solicited. A plurality of votes cast is necessary
for election. The elections shall be conducted via first class
mail at least thirty (30) days before the annual business meeting
and the results presented at the annual business meeting.
If a Nominating Committee is not named or not able to reach a
consensus about a slate of officers, the committee of the whole
membership as represented by the voting members present at the
next annual meeting may nominate a slate of officers during the
meeting. The board of directors will then mail ballots, collect
the results, and announce the results of the election to the
membership by an expeditious means, usually email or first class
mail if there is no email address for a member.
Any vacancy on the Board because of death, resignation,
disqualification, disability, or any other reason may be filled
temporarily by an appointment to that position by the President
until the next meeting of the Board of Directors at which time
the Board shall confirm the President's action or appoint someone
else to serve the remaining portion of the term of office.
The President shall:
Be the chief executive officer of the Special
Interest Group.
Preside at all meetings of the Special Interest Group
and its Board of Directors.
Be ex-officio member of all committees except the
Nominating Committee.
Report annually on the activities of the Special Interest
Group to the International Board of Directors meeting of AITP.
The Executive Vice-President shall:
In the absence of, or during the incapacity of the
President, as determined by the Board of Directors,
perform all duties and assume all responsibilities of
the President until the Board of Directors shall
revoke such authority.
Coordinate the activities of all committees of the
Special Interest Group.
The Treasurer shall:
Receive and disburse the funds of the EDSIG, and shall keep
and preserve proper vouchers and books of accounts, which shall
be open to inspection by the Board of Directors and subject to
audit at any time by an Auditing Committee duly appointed by the
The Treasurer shall deposit EDSIG funds in such financial
institutions as may be approved by the Board of Directors and
shall disburse money only for approved investments or upon
approved vouchers and in accordance with procedures approved by
the Board of Directors.
Submit a quarterly financial report to the Board of Directors,
an annual report to the membership and such reports as may be
requested by the AITP.
Assist the Finance Committee in the presentation of annual
The Secretary shall:
Take the minutes and record attendance of all Board of Directors
Be responsible for all records of the Special Interest Group.
Keep such records and prepare such reports as may be requested
by the Board of Directors.
The Director of Membership Services (DMS) shall:
Send new EDSIG members a packet of informational literature to
acquaint them with the objectives and plans of the organization.
The contents of this packet to be determined by the current
Answer all inquires forwarded to the DMS by the President or
any other Board Member pertaining to membership qualifications,
services, etc.
Serve as the Editor of the President's Newsletter, unless that
responsibility is otherwise appointed by the President.
Assist the President in special mailings to the membership.
Propose programs to increase the EDSIG membership.
Monitor other organizations for ideas relevant to the EDSIG
operations and purpose.
Assure that membership benefits are consistent and coordinated
among the Board.
Chair the membership committee as defined in Article IX,
paragraph 1.
The fiscal year of the Special Interest Group will coincide with
the fiscal year of AITP.
The Special Interest Group shall assess dues as follows:
The amount of dues for membership in the EDSIG shall be as
determined and approved by two-thirds of the votes cast at a
meeting of the Board of Directors. Current dues shall be
sustained until changed. Proposed changes in dues require
thirty (30) days prior written notice to members of the Board
of Directors.
Members who have not paid their dues within ninety days of
billing date shall automatically be dropped and shall cease to
be members, and shall no longer be eligible for any membership
The accounts of the Special Interest Group shall be audited each
year at the end of the fiscal year by the Finance Committee.
The Special Interest Group shall submit financial reports to the
AITP International Secretary/Treasurer for all activities involving
use of the Special Interest Group's funds.
The Board of Directors shall have no power to assume liabilities
on the behalf of the Special Interest Group for an amount in excess
of the current funds of the Group. The Group shall never pay,
assume or become responsible for the personal debts or liabilities
of any individual member, officer or director of the Group.
The Board of Directors shall appoint the chairperson of the following
Standing Committees from among the members of the Group. The
chairperson shall select the necessary number of members to complete
each committee except as otherwise provided in the Article.
These Committees shall perform such responsibilities as may be
assigned by the Board of Directors and shall include the following:
Membership Committee - Whose duty it shall be to promote membership
in the Special Interest Group for Education, and to furnish
membership information to individuals requesting such information.
Nominating Committee - Whose duty it shall be, prior to the annual
business meeting, to prepare nominations for directors and officers
and ascertain the availability of such nominees to serve in those
positions. The Nominating Committee shall be comprised of at least
five regular members. The Immediate Past-President shall chair the
nominating committee provided he or she is not considering running
for any EDSIG office. If the Immediate Past-President is
considering running for any office, then a replacement has to be
found among the EDSIG membership to chair this committee upon the
advise and consent of the current Board of Directors. The
Nominating Committee shall submit its nominations for officer and
applicable Board of Directors positions to the Election committee
not less than forty (40) days prior to the annual business meeting.
Finance Committee - Whose duty it shall be to audit the books of the
Group at the close of the fiscal year, and to submit a proposed
budget for adoption by the Board of Directors.
Publicity Committee - Whose responsibility it shall be to make
certain that all membership meetings, as well as other activities,
are duly publicized and that a minimum of four (4) issues of the
"Journal" as published by EDSIG are provided to all members
Elections Committee - Whose responsibility it shall be to prepare
the absentee mail ballot for the election of Officers and Directors,
distribute the ballots to the membership via first class mail no
less than thirty (30) days prior to the annual business meeting.
The election committee shall certify to the Board of Directors
and the attendees at the annual business meeting the results of
the election. Neither the Chairperson, not any member of this
committee, may be a candidate in the election. The membership of
the committee shall be approved by the Board of Directors at a
regular business meeting during the year before the election can
Additional special committees may be appointed by the Board of
Directors to perform such functions as it deems fit.
The Board of Directors may formulate standing rules to supplement
these Bylaws, so long as they are not inconsistent with these
Standing rules may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the Board of
Directors at any regular meeting of the Board. Notice of a proposal
for a new standing rule shall be submitted to each member of the
Board of Directors at least ten days prior to such meeting.
Each Standing Rule adopted shall become an addendum to these
This organization shall be non-racial, non-partisan, non-sectarian and
shall wholly abstain from any political or labor affiliation or
endorsements for public office.
The Special Interest Group shall keep correct and complete books and
records of accounts and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of
its members, Board of Directors, and shall keep at the Headquarters
office of the Association of Information Technology Professionals a
record giving the names and addresses of the members entitled to vote.
Ten percent (10%) of the members of the Special Interest Group
constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Special Interest Group
as a whole.
A two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a
Rules contained in "Robert's Rules of Order, Revised" most recent edition,
shall govern this organization in all cases to which they are applicable,
provided they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws and Standing Rules of
this organization, in which case the latter will be utilized.
Proposed amendments of these Bylaws may be submitted in writing to
the President by any member of the Special Interest Group.
Amendments to these bylaws can be made by submitted any proposed
changed in writing to a vote of the entire membership. Any proposed
amendment must first be submitted to and approved by at least
two-thirds of the Board of Directors. At least two-thirds of those
voting must vote in favor of the amendment for it to pass. A special
Bylaws Committee can be established by the President to carry out
the functions described previously.