Refereed Articles:

The Journal of Information Systems Education is seeking original articles on current topics of special interest to IS Educators and Trainers. Research or application oriented articles that describe curriculum, pedagogy, professional development or educational facilities issues will be considered for publication in the journal. Possible topics include: course projects/cases, lecture materials, curriculum design and/or implementation, workshops, faculty/student intern/extern programs, hardware/software selection, industry relations, etc. All manuscripts will be refereed by a rigorous evaluation process involving at least two blind reviews by qualified academic, industrial, or governmental computing professionals. Submissions will be judged not only on the suitability of the content, but also on the readability and clarity of the prose.

All manuscripts selected for publication must maintain a high standard of content, style and value to the readership. An important criterion for acceptance of a manuscript for publication is the relevance of the work to the educational/training environment and its potential usefulness for advancing the quality of IS education or training.

The Journal of Information Systems Education will accept only original contributions that have not been previously published or submitted elsewhere for review/publication. Submitting via electronic mail, or sending a copy of the article as a standard ASCII file or Word ’97 file on 3.5" diskette along with the required five printed copies will allow us to speed up the review process. All contributions must be submitted in English and will be printed without charge. Prior to publication, authors will be required to transfer copyright and sign a Transfer of Copyright Agreement form, sent with the acceptance letter. The copyright agreement enables the Association for Information Technology Professional's Special Interest Group for Education to protect the author's copyrighted material. Authors reserve all proprietary rights, as well as the right to reproduce and use all or portions of their manuscripts in future works.

Submission of Manuscripts:

Manuscripts should include an abstract (200-350 words), a list of 2-7 keywords to identify the subject content, body of text divided by section headings, concluding remarks, and reference endnotes. Reference endnotes should appear at the end of the article, sequenced in the order cited in the article.

The paper should not exceed 12 double-spaced pages, including all sections, figures, tables, etc. However; EDSIG reserves the right to consider longer articles of major importance to the IS field. Each submission should also include a self-addressed, stamped postcard with your name and article title on the back. The postcard will be returned as notification of receipt of your manuscript.

Electronic Submission (preferred):

In an effort to reduce the reviewing cycle time, JISE is moving to electronic submissions. To submit electronically, please include a Word '97 file of your submission as an email attachment addressed to vanslyke@ohiou.edu. In the body of your email message include the author(s) name(s), contact information for the corresponding author, and the title of your submission. Your submission will be acknowledged promptly via return email.

Postal Mail Submission:

Submissions must include FIVE copies of a typed, double-spaced manuscript printed on only one side per page. Since all submissions are blind reviewed, the identification of the author(s) should appear only on the cover of ONE of the five copies.



No submissions will be returned to the authors, however; summary reviews of the manuscript will be sent with the acceptance/rejection notification. In case of acceptances, the author is responsible for producing and returning the final manuscript in a timely manner. In general, reviews are completed in timely manner.

All contributions should be directed to

Craig Van Slyke, Ph.D Associate Editor; JISE

Management Information Systems Department

Copeland Hall 236, Ohio University,

Athens, OH 45701-2979

Internet email: vanslyke@ohiou.edu

All questions should be directed to Kevin Lee Elder

Phone (915) 942-2383 ext 229

Fax (915) 942-2384

Internet email: klelder@ibm.net


Call For Teaching Tips:

The Journal of Information Systems Education is soliciting teaching tips for a regular column on "Teaching Tips." Contributors will be acknowledged by having an edited version of their tips with their name and affiliation published in the Journal. Tips should be from one paragraph to two pages long and should address the contributor's experience using the tip (both what works and what didn't work). To contribute via Internet, address it to Dr Kevin Lee Elder at klelder@ibm.net. To contribute via regular mail, address it to Craig Van Slyke, Ph.D Associate Editor; JISE, Management Information Systems Department, Copeland Hall 236, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701-2979.

