The AITP's Special Interest Group for Education

Volume 8, No. 1 --- February 1998
Stuart A. Varden, Editor

President's Message

Dear EDSIG members:

As your new 1998 EDSIG president, my vision and objective for EDSIG is to accomplish two things: 1) revitalize the Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE) with four quality issues, 2) produce a high quality ISECON'98 in San Antonio. I am fortunate to have a dedicated and hard working board and officers. I believe that Dr. Kevin Elder, your new JISE Editor will make this vision come true. Along with the professional direction from John Corrigan and Computer World and some hard work from Kevin, I believe that JISE is alive and well! We will work toward the best, and expect only the best!

As mentioned, a second major goal is to work cooperatively with the Education Foundation to produce a great ISECON'98 in San Antonio. I am very fortunate to have Dr. David Feinstein, co-author of IS/97, as Chair of ISECON'98. For those of you who have had the privilege of knowing Dave, you will agree that his perspective of information systems and his work ethic will surely go along way toward a successful conference in San Antonio.

Thanks for the opportunity to serve you this year. Expect good things to happen!

Jack Russell, Ph.D., CCP
Regents Prof., Texas A&M University System
Tarleton State University

Join Us at ISECON'98!

We invite you to join us at ISECON'98 in beautiful San Antonio, Texas from October 16-18, 1998. The theme of this year's ISECON is "Where Teaching Takes Center Stage." Here are two key dates:

  • February 27, 1998: Deadline for paper/workshop/panel submissions via e-mail to:
  • April 1, 1998: Authors notification regarding acceptance of proposals.

For more information, please consult the ISECON'98 Web Page.

Meet the New Board Members

The EDSIG membership has elected the following members to the EDSIG Board of Directors:

President................................................Jack Russell
Vice President........................................Kevin Elder
Secretary...............................................Buzz Hensel
Treasurer.................................................Roy Daigle
Membership Director........................Stuart Varden
Director............................................David Feinstein
Director.............................................John Reynolds
Director......................................................Bill Tastle
Director........................................Margaret Thomas

This group joins Herman "Hoppy" Hoplin who has one year remaining in his term as an EDSIG Director, and Don Gottwald, Past President of EDSIG.

New Board Meets at UTA

The newly elected EDSIG Board, pictured above, met on January 17, 1998 in Arlington, Texas in a day-long work session. The University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) was the gracious host, and Dr. Mark (Buzz) Hensel, Director of Information and Instructional Resources of the College of Business at UTA, made sure that no one left Texas hungry. A second Board meeting has been scheduled for April 18, also at UTA.

EDSIG Newsletter --- Page 2

ComputerWorld to Publish JISE

John Corrigan of ComputerWorld has agreed to publish the Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE). This agreement reestablishes a former partnership that should place JISE on a sound footing following a period of inactivity. Mr. Corrigan has recommended that certain items be added to the journal, such as a calendar of computer education related events, announcements of EDSIG/AITP activities, a list of reviewers, and promotional efforts including advertising for the publication.

Kevin Elder Named JISE Editor

By action of the EDSIG Board of Directors, Kevin Elder, Associate Professor of MIS at Angelo State University in Texas and EDSIG Vice President, has been approved as Editor of the Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE). He replaces Richard Glass. The EDSIG Board wishes to thank Dr. Glass for his service to JISE over the years.

JISE Publication Schedule

EDSIG Vice President and JISE Editor, Kevin Elder, is planning a double issue scheduled by late Spring using articles that have already been accepted. Authors of accepted papers will be contacted and given the choice to publish their articles as is or to withdraw them. Revised articles will be treated as new articles. Additional JISE issues will appear later in the year.

EDSIG Financially Solvent

Treasurer Roy Daigle reported at the recent Board meeting that the EDSIG balance is $8,302.29 with accounts payment of about $2,000. EDSIG is actively seeking grants for organizational development from a number of sources. So far, conversations have been quite encouraging.

EDSIG Initiatives for 1998

The EDSIG Board plans several new initiatives for the current year. They include:

  • Reviewing and suggesting revisions, where appropriate, to the EDSIG Bylaws.
  • Defining more clearly EDSIG's relationship to AITP and the Education Foundation.
  • Pursuing an active publications schedule including a revitalized JISE and the EDSIG Newsletter.
  • Developing an EDSIG Web Page. Work is already underway on this project.

It is anticipated that several issues will be brought to the full EDSIG membership for approval at the Annual Business meeting to be held at ISECON'98.

Historically Speaking

We probably all have at some point told our students about the brilliant but eccentric father of the modern computer, Charles Babbage, and his failed "Difference Machine." Nearly all the textbooks that mention this 19th Century British scientist and computer pioneer attribute his failure to the technical limitations of his age. But did you know that a team led by Doron Swade, curator of computing at Britain's Science Museum, successfully constructed a working model of the Difference Machine using only the materials and technology that were available to Babbage? The machine was completed in time for Babbage's 200th birthday celebration on December 26, 1991. From this experience, Swade concluded that even the more ambitious "Analytical Engine" also could have been built in Babbage's time.

And so, why did Babbage fail? Most likely the reasons were poor project management and communications with his sponsors. The more things change, the more they stay the same!


Dr. Stuart A. Varden
EDSIG Membership Director
Pace University
Information Systems Department
Goldstein Center, Room 320
861 Bedford Road
Pleasantville, NY 10570