Beowulf to Lear: Text, Image, and Hypertext

Interdisciplinary Course: INT296

Our Mission:

The rationale for a literature course with computer lab is to deepen the learning experience with respect to literature content and composition skills and also increase students' technology skills with respect to telecommunications and multimedia. Specifically, students will:

Experiences in the Computer Information Systems 101 course and in an English Seminar course (one section in Pleasantville taught by Dr. Anstendig) indicate that student constructed multimedia and use of e-mail and on-line references are strongly motivating for students and invoke impressive effort. Learning appears to benefit with respect to both content and skill areas.

In INT 296 we extend this approach to a course with substantial literary content: British Literary Masters and the Arthur Legends. Students receive credit for the required core course plus one credit Information Systems elective.

Contact Information:

Literature: Dr. Martha Driver (
Computing: Dr. J. Thomas (
Current Webmaster:Patrice Boyce
Former Webmasters: Sherard Medrano, Joshua Khavis and Yevgeniy Gelfand
Illustrations on this page by Lowell Wilson. (For more by Lowell Wilson go to Student Work Spring '99)
Address: 41 Park Row, Honors Office, NY, NY 10038
Copyright © 2000 Pace University