Computer Lab schedule 

Date Computer activities Homework
Sept 13 Web browsing & searching. Downloading images. Course Web site at E-mail both professors.
Sept 20 Web searching, continued. HTML basics lesson using NotePad. HTML tutorial. Production of class page of sources.  Intro to WebBoard. Begin work on Beowulf multimedia projects.  Sign on and make posting to WebBoard: 
Sept 27 HTML extras: frames, meta tags.  Work on Beowulf multimedia projects: Preview work in progress for feedback. Prepare text for Beowulf project (bring in hardcopy printout)
Oct 4: NOTE class in W200A HTML using Netscape Composer, including making tables. Paint Shop Pro lesson (drawing and manipulation of acquired images). Use PSP to create an image map. Prepare final project, possibly fix, refine, improve projects based on feedback on writing.
Oct 11: NOTE class starts in w200A. Presentations of completed Beowulf projects.  Final edited drafts (HTML disk with hard copy) handed in. Select art work related to themes discussed in class. Start work on image analysis
Oct 18  (classes cancelled for installation of new Pace president)
Oct 25 Site search reports (oral). Preview image analysis project.  Demo Sound Recorder. Practice session of sound recording of monologues.  Demo of "The Wife of  Bath's Prologue" and Chaucer on CD-ROM. Choose character for character analysis project. Select/draft monologue for sound recording. Plan and gather images for animation.
Nov 1 Record monologues. Audio clip in Powerpoint demo. Arthur project demo.
Animation Shop lesson.
Complete image analysis. Prepare animation relevant to character analysis project or Gawain project.
Nov 8 Image map presentations. Animation presentations. Save to include in character analysis, Gawain or final project. Last day to record your character monologue.  Conduct site search for character analysis, Gawain passage analysis.  Prep, edit, produce HTML document of monologue, sound and text. Link audio clip to character analysis draft.  Complete Gawain projects.
Nov 15 Gawain preview presentations.   WebBoard discussions.  Tristan project demo.  Fix, refine, improve Gawain projects based on feedback.  Continue work on character analysis projects
(Nov 22--Thanksgiving)
Nov 29 Final Gawain presentations.  Preview date for longer character analysis projects.  Gawain analysis with monologue due next class in HTML and hard copy. Character analysis with all components due in two weeks.
Dec 6 Presentations: Gawain, character analysis. Demonstrate Almost 100 Quotations exercise in HTML format. Work session Fix, refine, improve character analysis projects based on feedback.  Make WebBoard posting of proposal for final project, including naming team members.
Dec 13 Workshop on refining the virtual museum or scene from a literary work.  Work on final projects for submission next week.
Dec 20 Sharing of final group projects. Submit all work for final evaluation in disk and  hard copy.  HAPPY HOLIDAYS