An HTML file consists of a head and a body. Here we use very simple forms of these tags. Use the VIEW command to see how people change the backgrounds and color of text and links.
The tags for heading 1 will put whatever you type between the pair of tags in the largest font size. For this assignment, you could make it the phrases that describe your group, or whatever seems appropriate. You could then briefly summarize your section. Alternatively, you can have a title page, with a picture and links to documents for the different parts of your presentation.
A paragraph tag will start a new paragraph. This could continue your summary of the
section. A tag for a line break
will do just that. Line breaks and spacing that you put in can be very helpful when you
work with the document but are ignored by the browser.
The tag for horizontal rule, which was before this sentence, places a line across the
You insert in-line images by using the single tag for images.
Images can take a long time to download to your reader's
computer. Make sure the image is worth the wait. This is a picture of a portion of the
Beowulf manuscript. The browser
determines the dimensions from the image file, unless width and/or height are given (see below ). If only one is given, then the other is calculated based on the original picture preserving the aspect ratio .
A benefit of including the dimensions is
that the browser can continue to display the text while waiting for the image to download.
You can use the same image in different places with different dimensions.
When you first create this document, it will reside locally on your computer. You can insert links in your document to pages at other sites on the World Wide Web and to other documents located in the same directory as this file. This could mean on the same diskette. Here I use the ordered list tags to demonstrate these two cases.
(Here is an image of a sword created by a former INT296 student, Lowell Wilson, made a specific size by giving height and width parameters in pixels and specifying that the image is to the left of the text).
You can use an image in place of text for a link. Put the image tag between the A tags.
You can insert links anywhere. The structure you give your HTML materials will determine
the experience of your audience.
You can use ordered and unordered list tags for simple text as well. This may be appropriate for discussing characters or themes. You can also make a link out of a word or phrase within text. This may be appropriate in your exposition on terms and ideas.
Lastly, please list your names. You can do this using the mailto tag so that we can
send you e-mail. Note that this may not work from the classroom or the open Academic
Computing labs. My example has our names with our e-mail addresses.
E-mail Jeanine Meyer.
You can also include a
short job description in the style of the credits at the end of a movie.