Hrothgar is the King of Danes or Scyldings who is approximately 80 years old when Beowulf comes to his land to fight Grendel. Hrothgar is described as a good king because he's generous to his thanes. Hrothgar builds a large mead-hall, with a roof made out of gold, called Heorot. The mead-hall is the home for the warriors and represents Hrothgar's desire to create a civilize society.


Hygelac is the king of Geats and also Beowulf's uncle. He is also a good king like Hrothgar because he rewards his thanes generously.


Unferth is one of Hrothgar's thanes. He is jealous of Beowulf because of Beowulf's reputation as a fearless hero. Unferth is said to have commited the ultimate crime, raticide, killing of his kinsmen. However, he is still respected as a warrior. Throughout the poem, Unferth is a coward. He does not try to defend his people and king from Grendel and later Grendel's mother. Unferth lends his sword, Hrunting, to Beowulf to kill Grendel's mother, an action of a coward.


She is Hrothgar's wife and the mother of his two sons. As a woman, she is considered to be the "peacemaker," the one who keeps peace amongst nations. The "peacemaker's" father would marry her off to an enemy or rival tribe, to resolve disputes or feuds. Wealtheow, is an example of a 'good' queen, one who is kind, generous and who does her duties by taking good care of her king and his thanes.