"A rare and ancient sword named Hrunting"

Hrunting: the sword, which Unferth gives to Beowulf before the fight with Grendel's mother. This sword possesses great powers and has never failed anyone who has used it in battle:

	[A] hilted weapon,
	a rare and ancient sword named Hrunting.
	The iron blade with its ill-boding patterns
	has been tempered in blood. It had never failed
	the hand of anyone who hefted it in battle,
	anyone who had fought and faced the worst
	in the gap of danger. This was not the first time
	it had been called to perform heroic feats (ll 1457-1469).

However, when Beowulf descends to the bottom of the lake, into Grendel's mother's lair, the sword loses its powers and is ineffective against the monster:

	[Beowulf] then heaved his war-sword and swung his arm:
	the decorated blade came down ringing
	and singing on her head. But he soon found
	his battle-torch extinguished; the shining blade 
	refused to bite (ll 1520-1524).

After the battle with the creature, Beowulf returns Hrunting to Unferth.

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