Madam, is there any armor within your chamber...?

(Click on the parts of the image for a detailed demonstration)

guinevere lancelot body servants

Source of the Image:

Speed, Lancelot. "Lancelot Arms Himself in Guinevere's Chamber." King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Ed. R.S.Holland. Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs, 1919.

Guinevere is helping Lancelot to put on the armor of Sir Colgrevance of Gore, whom Lancelot has slain.

Lancelot is putting on the armor of Sir Colgrevance of Gore, whom he has slain in order to obtain the armor. Lancelot is bidding farewell to Guinevere, promising to come back for her later on.

This is the body of Sir Colgrevance of Gore, who was killed by Sir Lancelot in order to obtain his armor. No further mention of the knight "Lanval", "Arthur's Dream" or Morte Darthur.

The servants of Guinevere are holding the door into the queen's chamber against the group of fourteen knights, including Sir Mordred and Sir Agravain, who are trying to enter the chamber to confront Lancelot.