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The ancient dragon has lived in a secret barrow for many years. His home is filled with ancient treasures. This glorious hoard was left unguarded by an ancient civilization. The dragon needs a place to make his home, so he decides to make the barrow his. He protects his barrow from any greedy trespassers that dare to step inside.
Ancient in years, the dragon learned long ago to instill fear in the local villagers that lived nearby. He is confident that no one has the strength to destroy him.
The dragon's hoard is full of countless treasures. Ancient cups, armor, and goblets adorn this great hall. Countless coins and golden swords surround the walls. These treasures were left behind by an ancient noble race. Anyone who disturbs the dragon will be met with hot and searing flames.
When he wakes up from a long sleep, he notices footprints. Angered that someone dared steal his cup, he decides to seek revenge. The dragon leaves his cave and shows his power, using flames.