Works Cited

About the Dream of the Rood. Home page. 28 Jan. 2002.
Rood and Ruthwell: The Poem and the Cross.

About the Ruthwell Cross. Home page. 28 Jan. 2002.
Rood and Ruthwell: The Poem and the Cross.

Donaldson, E. Talbot. Beowulf. Ed. Nicholas Howe. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2002.

Dumfriesshire. The New Oxford Dictionary of English. 27 Jan. 2002.
AOL Keyword: Oxford Dictionary

Holz, Bartusik, Melendez. “About the Dragon”. CSIS.PACE.EDU/GRENDEL. January 28, 2002.

The Ruthwell Cross. Home page. 27 Jan. 2002

About the Dream of the Rood. Home page. 28 Jan. 2002.
Rood and Ruthwell: The Poem and the Cross.