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Here we have a representation of the Green Knight with, presumably, Lady Bercilak.

The pentangle is the symbol of Sir Gawain. It represents the five aspects of knighthood.

The holly that the Green Knight holds when he enters Arthur's New Year's feast is festive, in a stark comparison to his physical attributes. It is the startling evil red eyes of the Green Knight that makes him such an ominous figure in the story.

The Green Knight! His axe, his holly and his frightening color !

The mysterious hag who is held in such high regard at the Bercilak de Hautdesert. In the end we come to discover that she really is..

Morgana LeFey! Arthur's mystical half-sister has sent the Green Knight into Arthur's Court for the purpose of scaring Queen Guenevere to death! Once this is revealed, we can see why she commands such great respect in Bercilak's kingdom.

Sir Gawain is depicted in many ways throughout the Arthurian legends. One famous moment is when his hag wife Dame Ragnell turns into a beautiful woman.

Knights had many duties and were supposed to follow many codes of behavior. In this story we don't see a great display of this except from Gawain.

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