In the story Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the readers see Sir
Gawain as the most courteous and noble knight of King Arthur's court.
He is willing to sacrifice his own life for the king by taking on the
challenge of the Green Knight who invades the Christmas feast of the
knights of the Round Table in order to play a silly game with them.
The Green Knight offers for anyone from King Arthur's court to strike
off his head, but none of King Arthur's knights attempts to take this
offer. At this King Arthur accepts the challenge and all his knights
show their cowardliness by not accepting. However, Sir Gawain then asks
the king to grant him this opportunity to strike the Green Knight's head
from his body. Sir Gawain bravely takes this challenge and grants the
Green Knight his wish. Sir Gawain is now the hero and receives the ax
that he uses to cut the Green Knight's head from his body as a trophy.
Now, Sir Gawain must visit the Green Knight's castle within one year and a
day to receive a hit in return from the Green Knight.
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