"Using GAs to Evolve Popular Modern Art", M.L.Gargano,Prceedings of the

           1994 LI Conference on AI and Graphics, 4/94.


           "A Neural Net Using GAs in Pollution Problems", M.L.Gargano,L.Quintas,

           D.L. vonKleeck, Congressus Numerantium XCIII 1993.


           "A Proposed Application of Artificial Neural Nets Using GAs to Measure

           Social Corporate Performance", Proceedins of the World Congress on

           Computational Intelligence, M.L.Gargano, N. Rajpal,1994.


           "Using GAs to Solve Mathematically Difficult Pollution Problems",

           M.L.Gargano,L.Quintas, Pace SCSIS Technical Reports ,1995.


           "An Application of Artificial Intelligence Simulating the Busness

           Environment Using Artificial Life", M.L. Gargano, F. Marchese, B.Knower,

           Proceedings 3rd International AI on Wall Street Conference, 6/95.


           "A GA Approach to Optimizing Portfolio Merging Problems", M.L. Gargano, B.

           Edelson, Proceedings  3rd International AI on Wall Street Conference,



           "A GA Approach to the Minimum Edgeset Feedback Problem", M.L.Gargano,

           A.Pai, Proceedings of the 1996 NE Business and Economics Association Confernce Proceedings, 1996.


           "Personnel Selection Process Validation Using Self Organizing Maps",

           M.L.Gargano, F.LoSacco, Proceedings of the 1996 NE Business and Economics

           Association Confernce Proceedings, 1996.


           "A GA Approach to Capacitated Spanning Tree Problem", M.L.Gargano,

           L.V.Quintas, Proceedings of the 1996 NE Business and Economics Association

           Confernce Proceedings, 1996.


           "Optimizing Management Decisions on Queuing Service Characteristics",

           M.L.Gargano, J.Y.Roe, I. Tilevich, Proceedings of the 1996 NE Business and

           Economics Association Confernce Proceedings, 1996.


           "The Politics of Advanced Information Technologies", M.L.Gargano,

           F.LoSacco, Proceedings of the ACM Computer Science Conference, 2/96.


           "Data Mining and Warehousing: Opportunities for Knowledge Creation"

           M.L.Gargano, F.LoSacco, S.Varden, Proceedings of the 14th annual ESCCC



           93Genetic Algorithms: Research and Practice=94, Michael L. Gargano, Pace

           Magazine,     Vol. XV No. 1, Fall/Winter 1997 - 98, pp. 17.


           93A Genetic Algorithm with Feasible Search Space for Minimal Spanning

           Trees with Time Dependent Costs=94, M.L.Gargano, W. Edelson and O.

           Koval,proceedings summer 98 Annual Conference on Genetic Programming and Algorithms in Madison, Wisconsin.


           93Data Mining - A Powerful Information Creating Tool=94, M.L.Gargano, B.

           Raggad, OCLC Systems and Services, vol. 15, issue 2.


           93Expert Systems -  Defection and Perfection=94, M.L.Gargano, B. Raggad,

           Logistics Information Management, vol. 12, issue 5.


          93Genetic Algorithms with Feasible Search Space=94, with W. Edelson and

           O. Koval, Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Southern International Conference

           on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, March 9-13,  Congressus

           Numerantium,  1998.


           93Software Engineering Classroom Perspectives=94, Proceedings of  the 4th

           Annual Northeastern Conference Consortium for Computing in Small Colleges,

           M.L. Gargano  and  L. vonKleeck   Panel Moderators  with  J. Beidler,  H.

           Rubin, and   R. Marose,  April 23-24, 1999,  Providence, R.I.in conference



           93Efficient Calculation of  Compute Intensive Fitness in Genetic

           Computations Using a Survival Indicator for Population Members=94,

           M.L.Gargano, W. Edelson  Proceedings Summer 99 Annual Conference on

           Genetic Programming and Algorithms ( GECCO =9199  ) in Orlando, Florida


           93A Fibonacci Indicator for Efficient Fitness Calculation in Genetic

           Paradigms=94, M.L.Gargano, W. Edelson,  the 30th Southern International

           Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, March 8-12, 1999 Boca Raton, Florida.


           =93Electronic Commerce Classroom Experiences=94, The 15th Annual Eastern

           Small College Computing Conference Proceedings, 10/99  M.L. Gargano  Panel

           Moderator with  B. Raggad,  L. vonKleeck,  J. Meyer,  J.

           Lawler,  and  Teresa Mann, Oct. 15-16, 1999.


           =93Electronic Commerce - Classroom Experiences=94 M.L.Gargano, J.Meyer and  L.von Kleeck Proceedings of the 15th Annual Eastern Small College

           Computing Conference,10/15-16/99, St. Bonaventure University, St. Bonaventure NY.


           =93Efficient Calculation of  Compute Intensive Fitness in Genetic

           Computations Using a Survival Indicator for Population Members=94,

           M.L.Gargano, W. Edelson, Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Genetic

           Programming and Algorithms ( GECCO =9199  )  in Orlando, Florida



           =93Minimal Edge Ordered Spanning Trees Solved by A Genetic Algorithm with

           Feasible Search Space=94, M.L.Gargano, W. Edelson, Pace University SCSIS

           Technical Report 147, 01/00.


           =93A Fibonacci Indicator for Efficient Fitness Calculation in Genetic

           Paradigms=94,M.L.Gargano, W. Edelson,  the 30th Southern International

           Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, March 8-12, 1999 Boca Raton, Florida Congressus Numeratium Proceedings 3/2000.


           =93Feasible Encodings for GA Solutions Of Constrained Minimal Spanning

           Tree Problems=94 M.L.Gargano, W. Edelson, GECCO, 2000, 7/8-12/00,

           Las Vegas, Nevada in conference proceedings.


           =93Computer Studies Across the curriculum=94, with J.Meyer, ISECO, 2000,

           11/9-12/00 in conference proceedings.


           =93Genetic Algorithmic Solutions Of Constrained Minimal Spanning

           Tree Problems Using Feasible Encodings=94 M.L.Gargano, W. Edelson, sent to

           Congressus Numerantium 5/2000.


           =93Evolving Optimal Reliability Networks Subject to Budget Constraints

           Using Genetic Algorithms=94, M.L.Gargano, Z. Chen and H.Zhang sent to

           Congressus Numerantium 5/2000.


           =93Complement Domination=94, M.L.Gargano L.Quintas and J.Rubens sent to

           Congressus Numerantium 5/2000.