

Bel G. Raggad







     Expert System: Defection and Perfection,

     Logistics Information Management, Vol. 12, No. 5,

     1999. (co-authored with Mike Gargano, Pace University, NY).


     Data Mining -A Powerful Information Creating Tool,

     OCLC Systems and Services, Vol. 15, No. 2,

     1999. (co-authored with Mike Gargano, Pace University, NY).


     Assessing the perceptions of human resource managers toward

nepotism A cross-cultural study (Co-authored with A. Hagen,

and A. Maghrabi), International Journal of Manpower;

19: 8 1998; pp. 554-570.


     Possibilistic Group Support System for Inventory and Pricing

     Problems, Logistics Information Management, Forthcoming,

     1999, Vol 15, No. 1.

     Planning Potential Technology Using Organizational

     Information: A Cross-cultural Study, International Journal

     of Material and Product Technology, Vol 12, No. 6, 1997 (co-

     authored with A. Hagen, GSU).


     Bayesian Decision Support System, Industrial Management

     and Data Systems, Vol. 97, No. 2, 1997, pp. 43-50.


     Executive's Easy Reference for Information Systems

     Concepts, Logistic Information Management,

     Vol 10, No. 4, 1997.


Data Conflict in Neural Network Training, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol. XXXVI, No. 4, 1996.


     Neural Network Technology for Knowledge Resource Management,

     Management Decision, Vol. 34, No.2, 1996, pp. 20-24.


     Effects of Information Structure and Problem Solving on

     DSS Choice, Industrial Management and Data System, Vol.

     7, No. 1, Spring 1996.


     Using COCOMO in Evaluating System Design Projects, Journal

     of Computer Information Systems, Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, 95-96.


     Consultation Quality Control Model of Expert Systems,

     Information Processing and Management, Vol. 32, No. 2,

     March 1996, pp.171-183.



Object Oriented Design for Library Applications, Library

     Software Review, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1995, (with M. Belhajali).      Managerial Strategic Choice in Planning EDI, IBS Computing

     Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 1, Spring 1995, (co-authored with:

     Joseph Boyd, NSU, VA)


     Evaluation of an Undergraduate CIS Curriculum, IBS Computing

     Quarterly, Vol. 6, No. 3, Winter 1995, (co-authored with:

     Annie Brown, GSU, Louisiana)


     The Relationship Between Personal Value Systems and

     Managerial Success: International Perspective, International

     Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 4, No. 14,

     pp. 71-84, (1994), (Co-authored with A. Hagen, GSU)


     Business Decision Expert Systems, Journal of Business and

     Economic Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 55-74, Winter 1993.


     An Inventory Decision Model Under Competition, Price

     Increase and Limit on Supply, Revue Tunisienne d'Economie et

     de Gestion (RTEG), Vol.VI, No. 7, 1991.


     Managerial Performance Evaluation: A Decision Model for

     Stockholders, Managerial Finance, Vol 14, No. 4, 1988.


     Subjective Judgement for DSS Maintenance, in Business

     Science: Theory and Practice, edited by  Academy of

     Business Administration, Las Vegas, (1994), (co-authored,

     Joseph Boyd, Norfolk State University, VA).


     Knowledge Resource Management: Knowledge Segmentation,

     in Business Science: Theory and Practice, edited by

     Academy of Business Administration, Las Vegas 1993, pp.



     Hybrid Intelligent System for Outsourcing Decisions,

     Proceedings of Northeastern Decision Science Institute,

     Annapolis, 1997.


     Functional Executive Information Systems, Proceedings

     of IABD, 1996.



     Simulation-based Clustering for Emerging Markets,

     South-Eastern INFORMS, 1997, (co-authored with M.

     Belhadjali, NSU, VA).



     Neural Authenticator for Asynchronous Learning,

     PACE Technical Papers, 1997.


     Business Curriculum Internationalization: Do Not Leave

     out Management Information Systems, Proceedings of

     Association of Global Management, Las Vegas, 1994,

     (co-authored with N. Sooshtari, University of Montana).


     Maintenance Process for DSS, Proceedings of the

     Association of Information Resource Management, San

     Antonio, TX, 1994.


     Decision Support Level Indices for Decision Support

     Systems, Proceedings, IABD-1994(Co-authored with G.

     Sawyer, NSU, VA)


     Enhanced Knowledge-Based Simulation Systems, Proceedings,

     JESI, pp.10-19, (1990).


     A Reconfigurable Architecture for a VLSI Implementation

     of Artificial Neural Networks, Proceedings of International

     Neural Network Conference, (co-authored with Bo Jin),



     A New Computational Method for Pooled Regression

     Analysis, PennState Working Paper Series, Vol. 87, No.

     21 Harrisburg, (1987), (co-authored with M. Kulkarni).


     How Can Colleges Recruit Students and Increase Enrollment

     for Academic Programs' Survival? Empirical Investigation,

     Proceedings of APEE, Dallas, Tx, April 1998 (Forthcoming),

     Co-authored with A. Hagen, GSU, LA.


     Faculty Responses to Business Deans Leadership Style,

     Proceedings, The 1997 SAM International Management

     Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1997, Co-authored

     with A. Hagen, GSU, LA.



The Impact of Distance Learning on the Future College,

     Proceedings, The 1998 SAM International Management

     Conference, Washington, D.C., April 1998, Co-authored

     with A. Hagen, GSU, LA, (Forthcoming).


     How Can The U.S. Government Help U.S. Businesses Improve

     Their Global Competitiveness with Minimal Regulatory Damages

     to the U.S. Government, Proceedings, APEE, Washington D.C.,

     April 1997, Co-authored with A. Hagen, GSU, LA.


     Feasibility of Information Security Solutions: Policy,

     Software or Hardware, Proceedings, Northeastern Decision

     Science Institute, March 1998.



     Taxonomy of Decision Support on Internet, Accepted for

     Presentation in INFORMS 98, Montreal, (co-authored with

     M. Belhadjali, NSU, VA)


     Strategic Planning for Information Security: Security

     Control Balance, Submitted to Journal of Information

     Management and Computer Security,(Co-authered with Nezar

     Younes, KS), 1998.



Book Reviews:


Book Review: Knowledge Systems for Business:

     Integrating Experts Systems and MIS (Gallagher),

     Information Resources Management Journal (Fall of 1989).


     Book Review: Knowledge-Based Systems for Management

     Decision (Mockler), Information Resources Management

     Journal, (Fall 1989).


     Book Review: Innovation Matrix, (Paul A. Herbig), North

     Holland, Journal of Global Management, (co-authored

     with M. Belhajali), (1994).







Effect of Project Characteristics on Team Structure,

     Proceedings, International Association of Computer

     Information systems, (co-authored with Joe Olimoloye,

     GSU, LA), 1995.



Multimedia Expert System for Information Security on

     Client Server, Proceedings of Academy of Business

     Administration, Cancun, Mexico, 1997 (co-authored with

     Farrell Patrick, Pace University).


A Neural Model to Support Corporate Restructuring, Presented

in the International Association of Management Development, California, (co-authored with Judy Caouette, Pace University), 1999.


Viruses and Internet: A Mix that Can Upset National

     Security, Academy of Business Administration, Athens,

     Greece, 1997.


Possibilistic Evaluation of Government Projects, Accepted

     for Presentation in INFORMS 98, Montreal, (co-authored with

     M. Belhadjali, NSU, VA)


     Planning Online Business Technologies, Presented

in the International Association of Management Development, California, (co-authored with Stuart Varden, Pace University), 1999.


Information Security: An Executive’s Easy Reference,

accepted, the International Academy of Business Disciplines,

IABD, Las Vegas, 2000.