The following publications are related to a newly emerging
technology that combines a light weight
formal methods approach and Java in statically analyzing Java source code and
verifying its partial correctness.
Keywords: static analysis, verification, Java,
Object-Oriented, theorem proving, formal methods. All papers have been
presented to the conferences below.
Refereed Publications:
Applying an
Invariant Based Approach to Detecting Illegal Array Bounds in Java.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Systemics,
Cybernetics and Informatics (to appear), July 2000, Orlando, FL
A Formal
Methods Based Static Analysis Approach for Detecting Runtime Errors in Java
Programs. Accepted at the ECOOP 2000 Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java Programs. Proceedings of ECOOP2000 Fernuniversitaet Hagen (to appear). June
2000, Sophia-Antipolis, France
A Generic Approach of Static Analysis for Detecting Runtime Exceptions
in Java Programs. Published in the Proceedings of the 23rd
Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Application Conference
(COMPSAC'99). October 1999, Phoenix, AZ, pp.67.
Detecting Null Pointer Violations in Java Programs. Published in proceedings of the 23rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software
and Application Conference (COMPSAC'99). October 1999, Phoenix, AZ, pp.456.
Static Analysis for Detecting Null Pointers in Java Programs.
Published in the proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis
(ISAS'99). August 1999, Orlando, FL.
Synthesis based on Object Oriented Design Models and Formal Specifications.
Published in the Proceedings of the 22nd
Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Application Conference
(COMPSAC'98). August 1998, Vienna, Austria, pp. 390396.
Technical Reports
A Light-Weight Approach to Applying Formal Methods in
Software Development. Ph.D
dissertation and technical report. Depaul University, June 1999
Using a LightWeight Theorem Prover in Code Synthesis
and Optimization from Formal Specifications. A prototype has been
Venus: A User's Guide.
DePaul ISE Internet Z archive, August 1998. Available via the web at
Venus: A C++ Code Generation Tool. A White Paper, August 1997. Available via the web at
A LightWeight Approach to Formal Methods. Published in the Proceedings
of the Software Engineering Symposium, DePaul University. May 1997,
Chicago, IL.
Detecting Array Index Out of Bounds Violations in Java
Programs. Published in the Proceedings of the Software Engineering
Symposium, DePaul University. May 1998, Chicago, IL.