Dr. Charles C. Tappert
Recent Patents and Publications on Emerging Technologies


T.E. Chefalas and C.C. Tappert, "Silent Training by Error Correction for On-line Handwriting Recognition Systems," U.S. Patent 5,544,260, August 1996.

T.E. Chefalas and C.C. Tappert, " Methods and Apparatus for Evolving a Starter Set of Handwriting Prototypes into a User-specific Set," U.S. Patent 5,319,721, June 1994.

T. Fujisaki, J. Kim, G.J. Leibman, and C.C. Tappert, " On-line Handwriting Recognition Using a Prototype Confusability Dialog," U.S. Patent 5,315,667, May 1994.

T.E. Chefalas and C.C. Tappert, " Elastic Prototype Averaging in Online Handwriting Recognition," U.S. Patent 5,287,415, February 1994.

J. Kim, G.J. Leibman, and C.C. Tappert, " Method and Apparatus for Improving Prototypes of Similar Characters in On-line Handwriting Recognition," U.S. Patent 5,285,505, February 1994.

T.E. Chefalas, T. Fujisaki, J. Kim, and C.C. Tappert, " Robust Prototype Establishment in an On-line Handwriting Recognition System," U.S. Patent 5,121,441, June 1992.

H.A. Ellozy, H.H. Jeanty, and C.C. Tappert, " Handwriting Recognition Employing Pairwise Discriminant Measures," U.S. Patent 5,005,205, April 1991.

C.C. Tappert, "Recognition System for Run-on Handwritten Characters," U.S. Patent 4,731,857, March 1988.

A.S. Fox, E.C. Greanias, J. Kim, and C.C. Tappert, "System for Automatic Adjustment and Editing of Handwritten Text Image," U.S. Patent 4,727,588, February 1988.

(Many technical disclosures not patented were published in the IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin.)

Refereed Journal and Book Articles

C.C. Tappert, A.S. Ruocco, K.A. Langdorf, F.J. Mabry, K.J. Heineman, T.A. Brick, D.M. Cross, S.V. Pellissier, and R.C. Kaste, "Military applications of wearable computers and augmented reality," book chapter, Principles and Applications of Augmented Virtual Environments, Lawrence Erlbaum, to appear.

J.R. Loy, J. Myers, and C.C. Tappert, "Notebook versus desktop computers for cadets at West Point," IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 39, pp. 497-504, November 1996.

C.C. Tappert and J.R. Ward, "Pen computing -- fad or revolution?," Information Display, pp. 14-19, March 1992.

T. Fujisaki, H.S.M. Beigi, C.C. Tappert, M. Ukelson and C.G. Wolf, "Online recognition of unconstrained handprinting: a stroke-based system and its evaluation," in From Pixels to Features III: Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, S. Impedovo and J.C. Simon (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers, pp. 297-312, 1992.

C.C. Tappert, "Speed, accuracy, flexibility trade-offs in on-line character recognition," Int. J. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 5, pp. 79-95, June 1991, also in Character and Handwriting Recognition, P.S.P. Wang (Ed.), World Scientific, 1991.

T Fujisaki, T.E. Chefalas, J. Kim, C.C. Tappert, and C.G. Wolf, "Online Run-on character recognizer," Int. J. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 5, pp. 123-137, June 1991, also in Character and Handwriting Recognition, P.S.P. Wang (Ed.), World Scientific, 1991.

C.C. Tappert, C.Y. Suen, and T. Wakahara, "The state-of-the-art in on-line handwriting recognition," IEEE Transactions Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence, Vol. PAMI-12, pp. 787-808, August 1990.

C.C. Tappert, A.S. Fox, J. Kim, S.E. Levy, and L.L. Zimmerman, "Handwriting recognition on transparent tablet over flat display," Journal Society for Information Display, Vol. 28, pp. 67-73, 1987.

C.C. Tappert, "An adaptive system for handwriting recognition," in Graphonomics: Contemporary Research in Handwriting, H.S.R. Kao, G.P. van Galen, and R. Hoosain (eds.), North Holland, pp. 185-198, 1986.

Refereed Conference Papers

C.C. Tappert, A.S.Ruocco, K.A. Langdorf, F.J. Mabry, K.J. Heineman, T.A. Brick, D.M. Cross, S.V. Pellissier, and R.C. Kaste, "Wearable Computers: Military Application Areas and Cadet/Faculty Projects," Proc. Fifth Annual U.S. Army ARL/USMA Technical Symposium, pp. 219-237, October 1997.

M.A. Johnson, F.J. Mabry, and C.C. Tappert, "Systems Design in the CS Curriculum at West Point," Sterling Software's Enterprise Strategies '97 Conference, May 1997.

C.C. Tappert, "Military potential of handheld computers," Proc. Fourth Annual U.S. Army ARL/USMA Technical Symposium, pp. 99-110, November 1996.

T.E. Chefalas, J. Kim, and C.C. Tappert, "The IBM ThinkWrite handwriting recognizer," Basic and Applied Issues in Handwriting and Drawing Research: Proc. Seventh Biennial Conf. of Int. Graphonomics Society and Annual Symposium of Assoc. Forensic Document Examiners, London, Ontario, pp. 30-31, Aug 1995.

C.C. Tappert, "Online handwriting recognition with hidden Markov models," Proc. Fifth Handwriting Conf. of the Int. Graphonomics Society, pp. 204-206, Tempe, Arizona, October 1991.

T. Fujisaki, C.C. Tappert, M. Ukelson, and C.G. Wolf, "Online recognition of run-on handwriting," Proc. Int. Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Chateau de Bonas, France, pp. 205-216, September 1991.

T. Fujisaki, T.E. Chefalas, J. Kim, and C.C. Tappert, "Online recognizer for run-on and printed characters," Proc. IEEE 10th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, pp. 450-454, Atlantic City, NJ, June 1990.

C.C. Tappert, "Rationale for adaptive online handwriting recognition," Proc. Int. Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, pp. 13-22, Montreal, Canada, April 1990.

C.C. Tappert, "A survey of online handwriting recognition," Neural Networks for Computing Conf., Snowbird, Utah, April 1990.

C.C. Tappert, C.Y. Suen, and T. Wakahara, "On-line handwriting recognition -- a survey," Proc. IEEE 9th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, pp. 1123-1132, Rome, Italy, November 1988.

A.S. Fox and C.C. Tappert, "On-line external word segmentation for handwriting recognition," Proc. Third Int. Symposium on Handwriting and Computer Applications, Montreal, July 1987.

C.C. Tappert, et al., "Handwriting recognition on transparent tablet over flat display," 1986 Int. Society for Information Display Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, pp. 308-312, May 1986.