Dr. Jeanine Meyer



Jeanine Meyer is an associate professor in the Information Systems department. She has taught courses in the IS curriculum as well as several interdisciplinary courses and conducted research with faculty in the marketing, education, and English departments. 


She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University; an M.A. in mathematics from Columbia University and an S.B. from the University of Chicago. 


Before coming to Pace, Jeanine worked at IBM Research and IBM EduQuest (the organization focusing on educational products and services) as a researcher, research manager, and research consultant for educational grants.  Her research interests include applications of Web technologies and multimedia for e-commerce and education, student constructed multimedia, ways to teach programming, and information technology fluency. 


Her professional web page is http://csis.pace.edu/~meyer.

Her office phone is: (914) 773-3722

Her email is: jmeyer@pace.edu