Johnson P Thomas

Associate Professor

School of Computer Science and Information Systems

Pace University, 861 Bedford Road, Pleasantville NY 10570

Office Phone: (914) 773-3438





University of Wales, United Kingdom

University of Edinburgh, Scotland

University of Reading, England



·         School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Pace University, New York

Jan 2000 To-date

                Associate Professor

                Teaching interests:

                                Data Communications, Databases, Operating Systems, Network Programming

                Research Interests:

1.        Multimedia Communications

Adaptable Protocols, User perception of Multimedia, Mapping user requirements to Network architectures

2.        E-Commerce

Real-Time E-Commerce, Software Agents for E-Commerce, Internet Development Lifecycle



Research Fellow, Lecturer

Teaching, Administration and Research including advising Ph.D students



Member of Technical Staff

Research into VLSI Architectures for Image Processing


Sample of recent Publications

1. R S Fish, G Ghinea and J P Thomas, “Mapping Quality of Perception to Quality of Service for a Runtime Adaptable Communication System”, Proc. SPIE/ACM Multimedia Computing and Networking MMNC ’99, San Jose, 

2. G Ghinea and J P Thomas, “Perspectives on a Study of User Understanding and Perception of Multimedia Video”, in Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics: Job Design, Product Design and Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 4, Ashgate, ISBN 1 84014 545 5, 1999

3. G. Ghinea and J.P. Thomas, “An Approach Towards Mapping Quality of Perception to Quality of Service in Multimedia Communications” IEEE 1999 International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 1999, Copenhagen, Denmark

4. G. Ghinea, J.P. Thomas and R.S. Fish, “Multimedia, Network Protocols and Users - Bridging the Gap”, Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia ’99, Orlando, Florida

5. G. Ghinea, J.P. Thomas and R.S. Fish, “Quality of Perception to Quality of Service Mapping Using a Dynamically Reconfigurable Communication System”, Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM ’99, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

6. J P Thomas, “Design and Verification of a Coordination Protocol for Cooperating Systems”, Soft Computing, Vol. 4, No2, Springer, July 2000.