001    package aima.gui.framework;
003    /**
004     * Simple controller implementation which extends its base class
005     * by maintaining references to frame and model, and by simple
006     * demo implementations of the required three abstract methods.
007     * @author R. Lunde
008     */
009    public class AgentAppController implements AgentAppFrame.Controller {
010            protected AgentAppFrame frame;
011            protected AgentAppModel model;
012            /**
013             * Gives the controller access to the frame. This
014             * is useful to display status information.
015             */
016            public void setFrame(AgentAppFrame frame) { this.frame = frame; }
017            public void setModel(AgentAppModel model) { this.model = model; }
019            /**
020             * The associated {@link AgentAppFrame} calls this method
021             * when the clear button is pressed.
022             */
023            public void clearAgent() {
024                    frame.logMessage("clearing...");
025                    frame.logMessage(frame.getSelection().toString());
026                    frame.setStatus("Agent cleared.");
027            }
029            /**
030             * The associated {@link AgentAppFrame} calls this method
031             * when the prepare button is pressed, the selection state of 
032             * the selectors changes, and also when the run button is pressed
033             * without previously performed preparation.
034             */
035            public void prepareAgent() {
036                    frame.logMessage("preparing...");
037                    frame.logMessage(frame.getSelection().toString());
038                    frame.setStatus("Agent prepared.");
039            }
041            /**
042             * The associated {@link AgentAppFrame} calls this method
043             * when the run button is activated. This code runs in a second
044             * thread, which can be stopped by the GUI at any time.
045             */
046            public void runAgent() {
047                    frame.logMessage("running...");
048                    frame.logMessage(frame.getSelection().toString());
049                    frame.modelChanged();
050                    frame.modelChanged();
051                    frame.setStatus("Task completed.");
052            }
053    }