001    package aima.gui.framework;
003    /**
004     * In this framework a graphical agent application consists of at least
005     * three parts: An {@link AgentAppModel}, an {@link AgentAppFrame}, and
006     * an {@link AgentAppController}. This class demonstrates, how this three
007     * parts are plugged together. The easiest way to create a new graphical agent
008     * application is to create subclasses of the three parts as needed, and
009     * then to subclass this class and override the three factory methods. 
010     * @author R. Lunde
011     */
012    public class SimpleAgentAppDemo {
013            /**
014             * Creates an agent application, makes the parts know
015             * each other, and finally sets the frame visible.
016             */
017            public void startApplication() {
018                    AgentAppModel model = createModel();
019                    AgentAppFrame frame = createFrame();
020                    AgentAppController controller = createController();
021                    frame.setController(controller);
022                    frame.setModel(model);
023                    controller.setFrame(frame);
024                    controller.setModel(model);
025                    model.addModelChangedListener(frame);
026                    frame.setVisible(true);
027                    frame.setDefaultSelection();
028            }
030            /** Factory method, responsible for creating the model. */
031            public AgentAppModel createModel() {
032                    return new AgentAppModel();
033            }
035            /**
036             * Factory method, responsible for creating the frame. This
037             * implementation shows how the {@code AgentAppFrame} can be
038             * configured with respect to the needs of the application
039             * even without creating a subclass.
040             */
041            public AgentAppFrame createFrame() {
042                    AgentAppFrame result = new AgentAppFrame();
043                    result.setAgentView(new AgentView());
044                    result.setSelectors(
045                                    new String[]{"XSelect", "YSelect"},
046                                    new String[]{"Select X", "Select Y"});
047                    result.setSelectorItems("XSelect", new String[]{"X1 (Small)", "X2 (Large)"}, 1);
048                    result.setSelectorItems("YSelect", new String[]{"Y=1", "Y=2", "Y=3"}, 0);
049                    result.setTitle("Demo Agent Application");
050                    result.setSplitPaneResizeWeight(0.5); // puts split bar in center position.
051                    result.setSize(600, 400);
052                    result.setUpdateDelay(500);
053                    return result;
054            }
056            /** Factory method, responsible for creating the controller. */
057            public AgentAppController createController() {
058                    return new AgentAppController();
059            }
062            /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
063            // main method for testing
065            /**
066             * Starts a simple test frame application.
067             */
068            public static void main(String args[]) {
069                    new SimpleAgentAppDemo().startApplication();
070            }
071    }