001    package aima.learning.knowledge;
003    import java.util.ArrayList;
004    import java.util.List;
006    import aima.learning.framework.Example;
007    import aima.logic.fol.Connectors;
008    import aima.logic.fol.parsing.ast.ConnectedSentence;
009    import aima.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Constant;
010    import aima.logic.fol.parsing.ast.NotSentence;
011    import aima.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Predicate;
012    import aima.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Sentence;
013    import aima.logic.fol.parsing.ast.Term;
015    /**
016     * @author Ciaran O'Reilly
017     * 
018     */
019    public class FOLExample {
020            private FOLDataSetDomain folDSDomain = null;
021            private Example example = null;
022            private int egNo = 0;
023            //
024            private Constant ithExampleConstant = null;
025            private Sentence classification = null;
026            private Sentence description = null;
028            //
029            // PUBLIC METHODS
030            //
031            public FOLExample(FOLDataSetDomain folDSDomain, Example example, int egNo) {
032                    this.folDSDomain = folDSDomain;
033                    this.example = example;
034                    this.egNo = egNo;
035                    constructFOLEg();
036            }
038            public int getExampleNumber() {
039                    return egNo;
040            }
042            public Sentence getClassification() {
043                    return classification;
044            }
046            public Sentence getDescription() {
047                    return description;
048            }
050            public String toString() {
051                    return classification.toString() + " " + Connectors.AND + " " + description.toString();
052            }
054            //
055            // PRIVATE METHODS
056            //
057            private void constructFOLEg() {
058                    ithExampleConstant = new Constant(folDSDomain.getExampleConstant(egNo));
060                    List<Term> terms = new ArrayList<Term>();
061                    terms.add(ithExampleConstant);
062                    // Create the classification sentence
063                    classification = new Predicate(folDSDomain.getGoalPredicateName(), terms);
064                    if (!example.getAttributeValueAsString(
065                                    folDSDomain.getDataSetTargetName()).equals(
066                                    folDSDomain.getTrueGoalValue())) {
067                            // if not true then needs to be a Not sentence
068                            classification = new NotSentence(classification);
069                    } 
071                    // Create the description sentence
072                    List<Sentence> descParts = new ArrayList<Sentence>();
073                    for (String dname : folDSDomain.getDescriptionDataSetNames()) {
074                            String foldDName = folDSDomain.getFOLName(dname);
075                            terms = new ArrayList<Term>();
076                            terms.add(ithExampleConstant);
077                            // If multivalued becomes a two place predicate
078                            // e.g: Patrons(X1, Some)
079                            // otherwise: Hungry(X1) or ~ Hungry(X1)
080                            // see pg 679 of AIMA
081                            Sentence part = null;
082                            if (folDSDomain.isMultivalued(dname)) {
083                                    terms.add(new Constant(folDSDomain.getFOLName(example.getAttributeValueAsString(dname))));
084                                    part = new Predicate(foldDName, terms);
085                            } else {
086                                    part = new Predicate(foldDName, terms);
087                                    // Need to determine if false
088                                    if (!folDSDomain.getTrueGoalValue().equals(example.getAttributeValueAsString(dname))) {
089                                            part = new NotSentence(part);
090                                    }
091                            }
092                            descParts.add(part);
093                    }
094                    if (descParts.size() == 1) {
095                            description = descParts.get(0);
096                    } else if (descParts.size() > 1) {
097                            description = new ConnectedSentence(Connectors.AND, descParts.get(0), descParts.get(1));
098                            for (int i = 2; i < descParts.size(); i++) {
099                                    description = new ConnectedSentence(Connectors.AND, description, descParts.get(i));
100                            }
101                    }
102            }
103    }