001    package aima.learning.learners;
003    import java.util.ArrayList;
004    import java.util.List;
006    import aima.learning.framework.DataSet;
007    import aima.learning.framework.Example;
008    import aima.learning.framework.Learner;
009    import aima.learning.knowledge.CurrentBestLearning;
010    import aima.learning.knowledge.FOLDataSetDomain;
011    import aima.learning.knowledge.FOLExample;
012    import aima.learning.knowledge.Hypothesis;
013    import aima.logic.fol.inference.FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver;
014    import aima.logic.fol.inference.InferenceResult;
015    import aima.logic.fol.kb.FOLKnowledgeBase;
017    /**
018     * @author Ciaran O'Reilly
019     * 
020     */
021    public class CurrentBestLearner implements Learner {
022            private String trueGoalValue = null;
023            private FOLDataSetDomain folDSDomain = null;
024            private FOLKnowledgeBase kb = null;
025            private Hypothesis currentBestHypothesis = null;
027            //
028            // PUBLIC METHODS
029            //
030            public CurrentBestLearner(String trueGoalValue) {
031                    this.trueGoalValue = trueGoalValue;
032            }
034            //
035            // START-Learner
036            public void train(DataSet ds) {
037                    folDSDomain = new FOLDataSetDomain(ds.specification, trueGoalValue);
038                    List<FOLExample> folExamples = new ArrayList<FOLExample>();
039                    int egNo = 1;
040                    for (Example e : ds.examples) {
041                            folExamples.add(new FOLExample(folDSDomain, e, egNo));
042                            egNo++;
043                    }
045                    // Setup a KB to be used for learning
046                    kb = new FOLKnowledgeBase(folDSDomain, new FOLOTTERLikeTheoremProver(
047                                    1000, false));
049                    CurrentBestLearning cbl = new CurrentBestLearning(folDSDomain, kb);
051                    currentBestHypothesis = cbl.currentBestLearning(folExamples);
052            }
054            public String predict(Example e) {
055                    String prediction = "~" + e.targetValue();
056                    if (null != currentBestHypothesis) {
057                            FOLExample etp = new FOLExample(folDSDomain, e, 0);
058                            kb.clear();
059                            kb.tell(etp.getDescription());
060                            kb.tell(currentBestHypothesis.getHypothesis());
061                            InferenceResult ir = kb.ask(etp.getClassification());
062                            if (ir.isTrue()) {
063                                    if (trueGoalValue.equals(e.targetValue())) {
064                                            prediction = e.targetValue();
065                                    }
066                            } else if (ir.isPossiblyFalse() || ir.isUnknownDueToTimeout()) {
067                                    if (!trueGoalValue.equals(e.targetValue())) {
068                                            prediction = e.targetValue();
069                                    }
070                            }
071                    }
073                    return prediction;
074            }
076            public int[] test(DataSet ds) {
077                    int[] results = new int[] { 0, 0 };
079                    for (Example e : ds.examples) {
080                            if (e.targetValue().equals(predict(e))) {
081                                    results[0] = results[0] + 1;
082                            } else {
083                                    results[1] = results[1] + 1;
084                            }
085                    }
086                    return results;
087            }
088            // END-Learner
089            //
090    }