Joseph Bergin,
Professor of Computer Science (Emeritus, in Residence)
Extreme Programming Trainer and Coach
Certified ScrumMaster
- Department of Computer Science
- Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems
- Pace University
- One Pace Plaza
- New York, NY 10038
- Spring 2013
- Offices: 163 William Street NYC, 319 Goldstein Pleasantville, and White Plains Graduate Center
- Department Office 212- 346-1687
- Hours: By appointment and online anytime.
- Personal web site:
Doctoral Students
I have been pleased to have been a part of the doctoral work of the following students, serving as their advisor and mentor. Each has earned the Doctor of Professional Studies degree.
- Aurelia Williams, 2006: Pair Formation in CS1: Self-Selection vs Random Pairing
Professor and Chair of the Department of Computer Science
Norfolk State University
- Sandra Westcott, 2008: Effectiveness of Using Digital Game Playing in Teaching Novice Programmers
Associate Professor of Information Technology and Director of Assessment
St. Francis College
- Mirkeya Capellan, 2010: An Agile Course-Delivery Approach
IT Training, Resource Management, and Strategic Project Specialist /QA at Mercedes-Benz USA and Adjunct Professor at Pace University
- Fran Trees, 2010: A Meta-Analysis of Pedagogical Tools used in Introductory Programming Courses
Director of Undergraduate Introductory Instruction, Department of Computer Science
Rutgers University
Recent Work
Number and the Nature of Mathematics
This book is for those beginning college and interested in mathematics. Or maybe you are a bit younger or older and interested in Math as a career. Please contact me if you would like to know more.
New, 2023
Available at : ISBN: 978-1-940113-07-4
Table of Contents
Information about Number
Information about the Categorical View
Karel J Robot and Beyond
New, 2023
Information about Karel J Robot
Information about Beyond
Karel Software for Download, all versions
Additional exercises for use with the Karel Books
Monty Karel and Beyond
New, 2023
Information about Monty Karel
Information about Beyond Monty Karel
Polymorphism: As It Is Played and Polymorphism Companion
A book about how to program with Polymorphism in Object-Oriented languages like Java.
Available Now.
Information about the Polymorphism book:
Information about the Companion book
Writing Patterns: software, organizational, pedagogical
A small book about how to write software patterns.
Available in Print from Also for Kindle, and in ePub format for the iPad and Android devices.
Information about Writing Patterns
Agile Software: Patterns of Practice
I have recently finished a new book: Agile Software: Patterns of Practice
It is now available in print and ePub formats. Kindle format also available at Amazon. It combines two of my professional interests, namely Agile Software Development and Patterns.
You can learn more, including where to purchase it, at my personal/professional website: Some of the patterns can be seen at
Pedagogical Patterns: Advice for Educators
Yet another book gathers together the community's work on Pedagogical Patterns: Pedagogical Patterns: Advice For Educators
The book contains 85 patterns for educators and industrial trainers. It is now available from in kindle format. It can slso be found ePub format from the ITunes store. The Amazon page has most of the front matter available if you "look inside." The physical book is also available from
Table Of Contents for Pedagogical Patterns: Advice For Educators
From the book: Grade It Again, Sam, Anonymous Feedback, and Three Bears
Karel R Tuesday
There is also a new book in the Karel Series. It is available in Print and EBook formats.
You can learn more on the Karel Ruby pages.
If you don't have a dedicated electronic reader device you can get an application for your computer.
Tai Chi For Life: Advice From A Novice
As some of you know I'm a long time practitioner of Tai Chi and now a teacher of beginners. I've created a book that helps a beginner understand a bit about the basics, though it is not an instruction manual.
It is available at as well as in the iTunes store.
Information about Tai Chi for Life
and Work in Progress
The papers are in HTML, Adobe Acrobat, or ASCII text format.
Pedagogical Patterns (Patterns Intended for Educators)
-- Project Home Page
- A Pattern
Language for Computer Science Course Development by Bergin (HTML) <<<- Preliminary
- Fourteen Pedagogical Patterns for
Teaching Computer Science by Bergin (HTML)
Early Bird, Spiral, and twelve other patterns.
- Several More Pedagogical
Patterns by Bergin (HTML) <<<- First
Look, In Development
Professor, Active Student, Buddy System, and more patterns.
- Two Patterns
for Course Design by Bergin (submitted to
EuroPLoP 2003)
Two Patterns
for Awkward Situations in Teaching by Bergin (in progress)
- Patterns
for Feedback Giving and Receiving Feedback, by Eckstein, Bergin, and Sharp
for EuroPLoP 2002, Irsee, Germany.
- Patterns
for Active Learning, by Eckstein, Bergin, and Sharp (HTML)
for PLoP 2002
- Extrovert Two patterns to help an introverted person play an extroverted
role. Bergin (HTML)
- Patterns
for Experiential Learning by Eckstein, Manns, Marquardt, and Wallingford
(contributor) (HTML)
- Patterns
For Gaining Different Perspectives, by Bergin, Wallingford, Eckstein,
and Manns (PDF)
- Teaching from Different Perspectives, by Eckstein, Manns, Sharp, and Sipos, (PDF) EuroPLoP 2003
- Patterns
For Doctoral Education by Bergin (HTML)
I am hosting a new email list to discuss the feasibility of holding a patterns conference (EduPLoP) for educators. Contact me if you would like to join.
Elementary Patterns (Patterns Intended for Novices)
-- Project Home
A Course in Patterns (focusing on Pedagogical Patterns
and Elementary Patterns)
Languages and Data Structures
Standard Template Library Related
Java Related
Java, Object-Orientation, and Design Patterns -- Examples
and Commentary
Object Oriented Programming
Extreme Programming (XP) and Agile Methodologies
C++ Related
Monty Karel, Karel J. Robot, and Karel++
Publishing Your Work on the Web
ITiCSE (Innovation & Technology in
Computer Science Education) Working Groups (Home
Collaborative Projects to Which I've Contributed
Conferences On Whose
Committees I Serve (or did)
Workshops and Other Interesting Things
Project Suggestions (Interesting
and useful things to do).
and Resources
Motivates You? What Is Important?
/ Biography
of Joseph Bergin
My PGP public
key is here.
The Pace University Home Page
The School of CSIS Home Page
The Doctorate of Professional Studies in Compting
The following will search using Google.
You can also link directly to the Google home page:

Joseph Bergin's Books
Click the image to buy or learn more.
I would like to thank the many people who have helped me build this site. Many
of them are mentioned in the various documents here. In particular, I'd like
to thank my many students who have helpled me improve the materials here. I'd
also like to thank Anna Armentrout, a former student, for the nice icon at the
top of this page.

Last Updated: August 29, 2023 10:47 AM
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