French Military Game This is a variation on a game called Fox and Geese. The board looks like this 1--4--7 /|\ | /|\ / | \|/ | \ 0--2--5--8--10 \ | /|\ | / \|/ | \|/ 3--6--9 Initially "The Fox" has a piece at 5. It may move along the arcs. Initially "The Law" has pieces at 0,1,3. The Law plays first and may move only to the right or vertically along arcs. The Fox wants to get to cell 0 (Escaped with the secrets). The Law wants to trap the fox by denying it a move. The Law accomplishes this if it completely hems in The Fox, say at 3,5,9 with The Fox at 6. The Fox wins, however, if the game exceeds 20 moves. The person plays The Law and moves first. The computer plays The Fox. The computer initially plays quite badly, but learns from its mistakes. The player moves either by typing move numbers into the text fields at the bottom of the frame or by first clicking the mouse on the white square you want to move from and then clicking on a black square that you want to move to. The player may resign a game by giving 0 0 for a move.