Monty Karel Errors


There are a few errors in the printed text


Pg 12 line 3: RobotSkeleton

Pg 21 top: There are several intent errors in the program, actually.

Pg 34 lines -14 thru -9: Each should be self.move()

Pg 37 line 6: …"focus of execution".

Pg 54 line -5 and elsewhere. mark.turnRight should be replaced by three instances of mark.turnLeft. That is not the intended error.

Pg 56 line 9: Even more important…

Pg 57 line 17: For example, a method…

Pg 86 line -13: … This is also ok, …

Pg 92 line 24: … to use them there. (not their)

Pg 93 line 5: None of our…

Pg 107 line -3: The line should not start with a period.

Pg 160 line 7: What can we say…

Pg 161 line 3: is still true: each corner the robot has visited (previous corners) has one less beeper.

Pg 197 line 9: Suppose we have a method…

Pg 208 line -11: drop the word "public" at the beginning of the line

Pg 220 line 21: … in the NeighborTalker's createNeighbor method…

Pg 220 line 22: RentAJobber



Negative line numbers are counted from the bottom of the page. Blank lines are not counted.