Rules for the Construction Phase


  1. Be available for consultations with the constructors. They may need clarification on the meaning of the current stories.
  2. Write additional stories as you desire for future cycles. Give them to the constructors for estimation. If you don't like the estimates you may split your story into smaller units or otherwise modify them. Estimates are NOT negotiable.
  3. Do not participate in construction, though you may help in sketching.
  4. Do not try to change the stories in the current construction cycle. You may drop a story at any time, though.
  5. If asked by the constructors for additional work, you will get a maximum time. Choose high value stories with estimates up to the given time to return to the constructors.
  6. At the end of the phase you will have to accept or reject what is done. If you reject it, write additional stories to make it right.


  1. Construct the stories in the current cycle, with a pair of constructors choosing a story and implementing that story only. Nothing is built unless it is done in a pair. Other pairs may be doing the same with other stories. Make sure you can integrate your work.
  2. Before beginning the construction, make a sketch of the thing to be done. Use this later to verify that you have built what is wanted. The sketches should be shared with the rest of the team including the customers. You should also write down implications of the stories that need to be verified after the build. For example, if you are building an airplane model, does it have to fly? How far? Use these also to verify you have built what is needed.
  3. Don't assume you will ever get a card not in your current set of jobs. Just because you have estimated a story does not mean it will ever get built. Don't anticipate the future.
  4. If you finish the stories in the time allotted you may ask for additional work. Give the customers a new "velocity" up to the time remaining in the cycle.
  5. Ask for clarification from the customers whenever you like.
  6. Make sure the customer understands what you are able to do and NOT do. Suggest possibilities.
  7. If the customers give you additional new cards for estimation, have someone on the team provide an estimate and return the card. Write the estimate on the card itself.
  8. Deliver what you have done to the customers at the end of the phase. They will either accept it or reject it.


  1. Continually check with each Constructor to see if they can complete their tasks in the time remaining. If not, call a 1 minute STAND UP meeting. Inform the Customers of the problem. See if others can help out on this task without affecting their own. If not, let the Customers decide which tasks to drop and which are most important to complete.
  2. Keep everyone communicating. Don't let intimidation occur between customers and constructors.
  3. Don't let the customers build or estimate.
  4. Don't let the constructors specify, prioritize, or assume what the customers might want.


Note: Only the customers can decide if they are satisfied with what was built. However, the monitors will judge whether the constructors built what the customers said they wanted.