Installing KompoZer for Windows

  1. Downoad KompoZer  (use version  0.7.10, not 0.8), free software available at
  2. Save the downloaded file 1
  3. Right-click on the saved zip file and choose extract all, creating the kompozer-0.7.10-win32 directory.
  4. The  kompozer-0.7.10-win32 directory contains the kompozer-0.7.10 directory, which contains all of the extracted  KompoZer files.
  5. To run, click on  kompzer.exe in the kompozer-0.7.10 directory. This will only work if you have first done the extract all in step 3.
You can relocate the extracted kompozer-0.7.10 directory and also a create a shortcut to kompzer.exe

1 I believe that by default, Windows hides file extensions, and so you may not realize you are dealing with a zip file. To configure Windows 7 to display file extensions, go to "Folder Options"  in CONTROL PANEL, select the "View" tab, and uncheck the box for "Hide extensions for known file types". I believe the procedure would be the same for Windows 8.