
Minimum support: 0.25
Minimum metric confidence: 0.5
Number of cycles performed: 15

Generated sets of large itemsets:

Size of set of large itemsets L(1): 5

Size of set of large itemsets L(2): 6

Size of set of large itemsets L(3): 1

Best rules found:

 1. dwellingtype=1 4111 ==> emim=0 3466    conf:(0.84)
 2. dwellingtype=2 emim=0 3482 ==> ownsanimals=0 2933    conf:(0.84)
 3. dwellingtype=2 ownsanimals=0 3490 ==> emim=0 2933    conf:(0.84)
 4. ownsanimals=0 6537 ==> emim=0 5491    conf:(0.84)
 5. dwellingtype=2 4196 ==> ownsanimals=0 3490    conf:(0.83)
 6. dwellingtype=2 4196 ==> emim=0 3482    conf:(0.83)
 7. occupation=0 4312 ==> emim=0 3349    conf:(0.78)
 8. dwellingtype=2 4196 ==> ownsanimals=0 emim=0 2933    conf:(0.7)
 9. emim=0 7970 ==> ownsanimals=0 5491    conf:(0.69)
10. dwellingtype=1 4111 ==> ownsanimals=0 2690    conf:(0.65)