CS692 - Computer Science Project II (CRN
23184) |
Dr. Francis T. Marchese |
Office Hours:
M : 3:00 – 5:30 PM
Tu : 3:00 –
5:30 PM
212 346 - 1803
Email: fmarchese@pace.edu
URL: http://csis.pace.edu/~marchese
Definition and Objectives
This course is the second in the CS691/CS692
sequence in which students design and builds a large software project. The
process followed is based on object oriented software engineering methodologies.
Software engineering is the process of applying a
systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to problem analysis, system and
software design, its development, operation, and maintenance. Software
engineering methodologies focus on both the software product and the process
used to create and maintain it.
This course presents a hands-on study of software
engineering methods. Topics include:
Characteristics of Software
Software Life Cycle &
Development Methodologies
Problem Analysis & Requirements
Analysis & Design Tools
Validation & Verification
Risk Analysis
Software Project Management
Upon completing this course students should be able
Understand the goals of Software
Understand the phases and
activities of the software development process
Maintain a detailed knowledge of
object-oriented principles
Use systematic approaches to
requirements gathering and analysis
Create OOA/OOD models and refine
them to reflect implementation details
Use UML to visualize and document
the analysis and design of software systems
Implement the design using an
object-oriented programming language
Required Texts:
Ian Sommerville, Software
Engineering, 9th ed. Addison-Wesley, 2011. ISBN-10: 0137035152 •
ISBN-13: 9780137035151.
Craig Larman, Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis
and Design and Iterative Development. 3/E,
Prentice-Hall, 2005.
Students will be expected to
design, implement and demonstrate, on time, a large software project. This
includes requirements specifications, architectural, and detailed design
specifications, and test plan.
Students will
work in groups of three or four and present the results of their work on
prescribed dates according to a life-cycle specified by the professor.
Exams and
Final Grades:
There are two exams. Grades will
be based on exams and all software products produced and answers
to exercises.
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