CS631p- Human-Computer
Interaction |
Spring 2001 |
Lecture 7 |
Touch, Gesture, and Marking
Haptic input (Greek
for contact) - involves physical contact between computer and user.
Hands on mouse
Foot on pedal
Tongue with joystick
Relating Task and Technology
Designers must find match between application and input technology.
Most recognize the relevant dimensions along which an application's
demands can be characterized
Must know how each technology performs along those dimensions
Basic set of generic
Pursuit tracking
Test: Fly moves
over screen under computer control
Operator uses control device to track fly's motion
Test how many times fly can be swatted in a given time interval
Parametrics: speed target moves
Control: display ratio (C:D)
Ratio between distance the controller must be moved to cause
tracker to move given distance on display.
e.g. C:D 2:1, 2 cm of controller results in 1 cm. on
C:D ratio can be a variable that changes as controller moves
Button push is another parameter - good on mouse more, difficult
on tablet
Target Acquisition
Test: User selects
each of a number of rectangles displayed on screen
selected by positioning tracking symbol and signaling with
statistics: how long it takes to select full set of targets
check out target size effect on speed
Fitts law: MT = a + b log2 (D/W + l)
Movement time (MT): time to move the hand to a target
of width (W) which lies (D) distance away, where a is a constant
and b=100 [70 - 120] msec/bit.
Variations on task:
Homingtime - moving between text entry device and
pointing device
- time it takes (test by having user hit space bar after
clicking on rectangle)
Number of dimensions - higher dimensional tasks
What is effective target within two dimensions or more?
What is effect of approach angle?
Dragging vs. rubber-band lines - object is dragged
from square to square.
- Also Fitts law task -> Holding mouse down can
effect target acquisition
Left hand vs. right hand - moving from
dominant to non-dominant varies across devices.
Free-hand inking - attempt to write signature
with different technologies.
Tracing and digitizing - CAD, cartography, graphic
- Relative devices useless
- Absolute devices vary widely
- Resolution important (eg cartography)
Constrained motion - must be able to move tracker
rapidly over a straight-line path.
e.g. - scrollbar mechanism
- Thumbwheels work better than a mouse
- Task: tracking
symbol is a ball that is dragged along a linear path without crossing parallel
How is speed affected by input device?
How is speed affected by path width?
How about horizontal vs. vertical?
What about circular motion ?

3D Input and Interaction:
Need 3D equivalents of 2D tasks.
What devices support applications of higher dimensionality?
Can support 3D with lower devices (eg. virtual 3D trackball).
A Taxonomy of Input
Table uses hierarchy of criteria.
Generality and Extensibility: tradeoff between the
generality of a computer workstation and groups of specialized tasks it
is used for. THUS: No optional device.
Relative vs. absolute controls: affects dialogs.
What our taxonomy does not show: Only considers continuous
Chunking and Phrasing
Human -Computer dialogs can benefit from appropriate phrasing
such as found in music or speech.
Most human computer dialogs are composed like speech: selecting/positioning,
positioning/scaling, navigating/scaling.
Structure that emerges from appropriate phrasing can accelerate
the process.
e.g proof-reading marks

Novices "chunk" together concepts.
Modes and Mode Errors:
Mode error: misclassification of a situation resulting
in actions that are inappropriate for the true situation.
Style of interaction (gesture driven, e.g. pen-based)
User's input is stream x,y coordinates called "digital
ink", thus marking interfaces
Most marking systems are different to use and prone to mode
Who Does the Recognition?
Recognition is heart of marking system: block characters,
cursive script, etc.
Pattern recognition is hard and still unsolved.
Should focus on systems where marks are recognized by user.
What is Recognition?
High level marks, such as proofreaders, easier to learn.
Self-Revelation and Marking
Marking systems assume a form-filling style. May not have
enough space, such as on PDA.
Alternatively marking-menus:
User presses down, waits until a pie menu appears and strikes
through slice.
Alternatively, mark-ahead by making a mark without waiting
for menu. System recognizes physical movement.
Working within the Marking
Problems when designers do not adequately conceptualize the
Free-form text sometimes faster than keyboard, 22
& 22 easier drawn.
But if text is entered on a line, using text with a graphical
keyboard and stylus is faster and more accurate (eg. 0 vs. O, number vs.
PDA too small to vie with graphical keyboard but could use
some shortcuts.
e.g .Uni-strokes alphabet
Can take about one hour to learn.
Only single stroke.
No segmentation problem - which stroke belongs to what.
Can recognize character when each one is written upon other.
Marking system leave an explicit audit trail of user's actions.
Figure/ground relationship on computer - know which marks
made by computer and which by person
Situated Design
If electronic version of system is not faster than pen and
paper then redesign system.
Some systems "gesture" refers to marking interfaces.
Other system "gesture" itself is recognized.
e.g. Myron Krueger - Videoplace - non-invasive
(video camera, image processing)

The "Videoplace" system perceives one or moreparticipants
and responds to their movements in realtime using video cameras.
The "Videoplace" system identifies each participant's head,
arms, legs, hands and fingers and determines their rate of movement.
Each participant's image may be moved, scaled or rotated
anywbere on the screen.
"Videoplace" has two modes:
It interacts directly with an individual.
It mediates a dialog between two participants: one
who understands and controls the system and a second naive participant.
The controller can interact with the other person by using the image of
his or her hands.
Gestures in Collaborative Work
Remote awareness problem arises in collaborative meetings,
How do you include hand motion?
Capture image of hands over work surface.
Then add Kruger's recognition.
Two-handed Input
Real world use of two hands: painting, threading a needle,
taking notes, driving a car, preparing food.
Asymmetrical bimanual action:
Three properties of bimanual asymmetric actions:
the non-dominant hand determines the frame of action of the
dominant hand.
e.g. holding nail to be hammered.
holding needle to
be thread.
the sequence of action is non-dominant hand then dominant.
e.g. above examples.
the action of the non-dominant hand is coarse relative to
the fine action of the dominant.
People spontaneously use two hands in solving problems.
Demonstration: - position and scaling
- navigation and selection
New paradigm: see-through
Uses toolglass and magic lens:
2 1/2 D functions on 3 planes:
desktop where icon sits.
cursor floats above desktop and icons - manipulated with
dominant hand with mouse
magic lens and tool glass sheets - lie between cursor and
kind of like protractor and rulers.
you can see tool and its markings and see paper below.
They get moved with non-dominant hand using trackball or
small touch table.
Relationship between levels:
Toolglass sheet with click through buttons.
Magic lenses are visualization widgets analogous to magnifying
glasses with diverse optical properties.
e.g. An achromatic lens over a drop shadow lens over
a knotwork.
e.g. The local scaling lens

Realizing Inputs Full
Transparent Access and
the Physically Disabled
Mouse becomes tongue activated joystick.
Button replaced by blow/suck tube.
Need more transparency.
Device Independence and Virtual
Generic virtual devices
Application written in device independent way all it
needs to know is kind of input (e.g. text).
Graphics system such as GKS, OpenGL: