CS616 – Software Engineering II

Lecture 7


Larman – Chapter 17





Design use-case realizations.


Apply the GRASP patterns to assign responsibilities to classes.


Use the UML interaction diagram notation to illustrate the design of objects.

Use-Case Realizations

·       A use-case realization describes how a particular use case is realized within the design model, in terms of collaborating objects

·       Designer describes the design of one or more scenarios of a use-case: each is called a use-case realization.

·       UML interaction diagrams illustrate use-case realizations.

·    A use case suggests the system events that are explicitly shown in system sequence diagrams.

·    Details of the effect of system events in terms of changes to domain objects may be described in system operation contracts.

·    System events represent messages that initiate interaction diagrams, which illustrate how objects interact to fulfill the required tasks—the use case realization.

·    Interaction diagrams involve message interaction between software objects whose names are sometimes inspired by the names of conceptual classes in the Domain Model, plus other classes of objects.


Interaction Diagrams and Use-Case Realizations

·       Current iteration considers scenarios and system events such as:

o      Process Sale: makeNewSale, enterltem, endSale, makePayment

·       For collaboration diagrams illustration of the use-case realizations,

o      different collaboration diagram required for each system event message.

Collaboration diagrams and system event message handling.


·       For sequence diagrams use - fit all system event messages on the same diagram



·       If  sequence diagram is too complex or long - use a sequence diagram for each system event message

Multiple sequence diagrams and system event message handling.


Contracts and Use-Case Realizations

·       Possible to design use-case realizations directly from use case text.

·       For some system operations, contracts may have been written that add greater detail or specificity

·       For example:


Contract C02: enteritem


Cross References:



enterltem(itemlD: ItemiD, quantity: integer)

Use Cases: Process Sale

There is a sale underway.




— A SalesLineltem instance sli was created (instance creation).

— …



·       For each contract work through the postcondition state changes and design message interactions to satisfy the requirements.

·       For example


given this partial enterltem system operation, a partial interaction diagram is shown below that satisfies the state change of SalesLineltem instance creation.



Partial interaction diagram.


The Domin Model and Use-Case Realizations

·       Some software objects that interact via messages in the interaction diagrams are inspired from the Domain Model

o      e.g. Sale conceptual class and Sale design class

·       Choice of appropriate responsibility placement using the GRASP patterns relies, in part, upon information in the Domain Model.


Conceptual vs. Design Classes

·       UP Domain Model does not illustrate software classes, but may be used to inspire the presence and names of some software classes in the Design Model.

·       During interaction diagramming or programming, Domain Model used to name design classes

·       Creates a design with lower representational gap between the software design and our concepts of the real domain to which the software is related


Figure :Lowering representational gap with design classes named from conceptual classes.


Use-Case Realizations for the NextGen Iteration

Object Design: makeNewSale

·       makeNewSale system operation occurs when a cashier starts a new sale, after a customer has arrived with things to buy


Contract COl: makeNewSale


Cross References:



Use Cases: Process Sale




— A Sale instance s was created (instance creation).

s was associated with the Register (association formed).

— Attributes of s were initialized.



Choosing the Controller Class

·       Choose the controller for the system operation message enterltem.

·       By the Controller pattern, here are some choices:


represents the overall “system,” device, or subsystem


Register, POSSystem

represents a receiver or handler of all system events of a use case scenario




·       Choosing a facade controller like Register is satisfactory if there are only a few system operations and the facade controller is not taking on too many responsibilities (in other words, if it is becoming incohesive).

·       Choosing a use-case controller is suitable when there are many system operations and we wish to distribute responsibilities in order to keep each controller class lightweight and focused (in other words, cohesive).

·       In this case, Register will suffice, since there are only a few system operations.


·       The interaction diagram shown below begins by sending the makeNewSale message to a Register software object.



Figure: Applying the GRASP Controller pattern.


Creating a New Sale

·       A software Sale object must be created

·       GRASP Creator pattern suggests assigning the responsibility for creation to a class that aggregates, contains, or records the object to be created.




Figure: Sale and Multiobject Creation


·       Register may be thought of as recording a Sale

·       Register is a reasonable candidate for creating a Sale.

·       By having the Register create the Sale, the Register can easily be associated with it over time,

o      During future operations within the session, the Register will have a reference to the current Sale instance.


·       When the Sale is created

o      it must create an empty collection (container) to record all future SalesLineItem instances that will be added.

o      This collection will be contained within and maintained by the Sale instance,


·       Therefore:

o      the Register creates the Sale

o      the Sale creates an empty collection, represented by a multiobject in the interaction diagram.


Object Design: enterltem

o      enterltem system operation occurs when a cashier enters the itemlD and the quantity of something to be purchased.


Contract C02: enterltem


Cross References:



enterltem(itemlD: itemiD, quantity: integer)

Use Cases: Process Sale

There is an underway sale.


A SalesLineitem instance sli was created (instance creation).

— sli was associated with the current Sale (association formed).

— sli quantity became quantity (attribute modification).

sli was associated with a ProductSpecification, based on itemlD match (association formed).


Choosing the Controller Class

·       Handle the responsibility for the system operation message enterltem.

·       Based on the Controller pattern - continue to use Register as a controller.


Display Item Description and Price?

·       Model-View Separation design principle - not the responsibility of non-GUI objects (such as a Register or Sale) to do output tasks.

·       Although the use case states that the description and price are displayed after this operation, the design will be ignored at this time.


Creating a New SalesLineltem

·       enterltem contract postconditions indicate the creation, initialization, and association of a SalesLineltem.

·       Domain Model reveals that a Sale contains SalesLineItem objects.

·       Software Sale may contain software SalesLineltem.

·       Hence, by Creator, a software Sale is an appropriate candidate to create a SalesLineltem.


·       Sale is associated with the newly created SalesLineItem by storing the new instance in its collection of line items.

·       Postconditions indicate that the new SalesLineItem needs a quantity, when created:

o       Therefore

§       the Register must pass it along to the Sale,

§       Sale must pass it along as a parameter in the create message

·       By Creator:

o      makeLineItem message is sent to a Sale for it to create a SalesLineltem.

o      Sale creates a SalesLineltem, and then stores the new instance in its permanent collection.

·       Parameters to the makeLineItem message include the quantity, so SalesLineItem can record it, and likewise the ProductSpecification which matches the itemlD.


Finding a ProductSpecification

·       SalesLineItem needs to be associated with the ProductSpecification that matches the incoming itemlD.

·       Must retrieve a ProductSpecification, based on an itemlD match.

o      Start assigning responsibilities by clearly stating the responsibility.

o      Answer the Question:

Who should be responsible for knowing a ProductSpecification, based on an itemlD match?


·       Typically, the Expert pattern is the principal pattern to apply.

o      Domain Model reveals that the ProductCatalog logically contains all the ProductSpecifications.

o      Design software classes with similar organization: a software ProductCatalog will contain software ProductSpecifications.

o      By Information Expert - ProductCatalog is a good candidate for this lookup responsibility since it knows all the ProductSpecification objects.

o      Implemented with a method called getSpecification.’


Visibility to a ProductCatalog

o      Who should send the getSpecification message to the ProductCatalog to ask for a ProductSpecification?

o      Reasonable to assume:

o      Register and ProductCatalog instance were created during the initial Start Up use case

o      There is a permanent connection from the Register object to the ProductCatalog object.

o      Possible for the Register to send the getSpecification message to the ProductCatalog.


o      Another concept in object design: visibility.

Visibility is the ability of one object to “see” or have a reference to another object.

o      For an object to send a message to another object it must have visibility to it.


o      Assume that the Register has a permanent connection — or reference— to the ProductCatalog

o      It has visibility to it, and can send it messages such as getSpecification


Figure:The enterItem interaction diagram


Messages to Multiobjects

o      Interpretation of a message sent to a multiobject in UML is that it is a message to the collection object itself, rather than an implicit broadcast to the collection’s members.

o      For example, in the enterltem interaction diagram:

o      The find message sent to the ProductSpecification multiobject is a message being sent once to the collection data structure represented by the multiobject

§       The language-independent and generic find message will be translated for a specific language and library

o      The add message sent to the SalesLineItem multiobject is to add an element to the collection data structure represented by the multiobject


Connecting the UI Layer to the Domain Layer

§       Applications are organized into logical layers that separate the major concerns of the application

§       e.g. the UI layer (for UI concerns) and “domain” layer (for domain logic concerns).


§       Common designs by which objects in the UI layer obtain visibility to objects in the domain layer include the following:

o      An initializing routine (for example, a Java main method) creates both a UI and a domain object, and passes the domain object to the UI.

o      A UI object retrieves the domain object from a well-known source, such as a factory object that is responsible for creating domain objects.

§       Sample code is an example of the first approach:

public class Main


public static void main( String[] args)


Store store = new Store~

Register register = store.getRegister~

ProcessSalejFrame frame = new ProcessSalejFrame( register );






o      Once the UI object has a connection to the Register instance (the facade controller in this design), it can forward system event messages to it, such as the enterltem and endSale message



Figure Connecting the UI and domain layers.


o      For the enterltem message, the window needs to show the running total after each entry.

o      There are several design solutions:

o      Add a getTotal method to the Register. The UI sends the getTotal message to the Register, which forwards it to the Sale.

§       Possible advantage of maintaining lower coupling from the UI to the domain layer — the UI only knows of the Register object. But it starts to expand the interface of the Register object, making it less cohesive.

o      A UI asks for a reference to the current Sale object, and then when it needs the total (or any other information related to the sale), it directly sends messages to the Sale.

§       This design increases the coupling from the UI to the domain layer.


Interface and Domain Layer Responsibilities

§       The UI layer should not have any domain logic responsibilities. It should only be responsible for user interface tasks, such as updating widgets.

§       The UI layer should forward requests for all domain-oriented tasks on to the domain layer, which is responsible for handling them.


Figure: design follows the second approach.


In these diagrams the Java window (ProcessSaleJFrame), which is part of the UI layer, is not responsible for handling the logic of the application.


Use-Case Realizations Within the UP

Use-case realizations are part of the UP Design Model.







Business Modeling

Domain Model






IJse-Case Model (SSDs)












Supplementary Specification












Design Model






SW Architecture Document






Data Model






Implementation Model





Project Management

SW Development Plan






Test Model






Development Case






Table: Sample UP artifacts and timing. s - start; r - refine




Inception—The Design Model and use-case realizations will not usually be started until elaboration because it involves detailed design decisions which are premature during inception.


Elaboration—During this phase, use-case realizations may be created for the most architecturally significant or risky scenarios of the design. However, IJML diagramming will not be done for every scenario, and not necessarily in com­plete and fine-grained detail. The idea is to do interaction diagrams for the key use-case realizations that benefit from some forethought and exploration of alternatives, focusing on the major design decisions.


Construction—Use-case realizations are created for remaining design problems.


Larman: Chapter 18






Identify four kinds of visibility.


Design to establish visibility


Illustrate kinds of visibility in the UML notation.



Visibility is the ability of one object to see or have reference to another.

Visibility Between Objects

§       Designs created for the system events (enterltem, and so on) illustrate messages between objects.

§       For a sender object to send a message to a receiver object, the sender must be visible to the receiver — the sender must have some kind of reference or pointer to the receiver object.

§       For example

o      the getSpecification message sent from a Register to a ProductCatalog implies that the ProductCatalog instance is visible to the Register instance, as shown below


§       When creating a design of interacting objects, it is necessary to ensure that the required visibility is present to support message interaction.



§       Visibility is the ability of an object to “see” or have a reference to another object.

§       Related to the issue of scope:

Is one resource (such as an instance) within the scope of another?

§       Four ways that visibility can be achieved from object A to object B:

o      Attribute visibility — B is an attribute of A.

o      Parameter visibility — B is a parameter of a method of A.

o      Local visibility — B is a (non-parameter) local object in a method of A.

o      Global visibility — B is in some way globally visible

§       Motivation:

For an object A to send a message to an object B, B must be visible to A.

§       For example:

o      to create an interaction diagram in which a message is sent from a Register instance to a ProductCatalog instance, the Register must have visibility to the ProductCatalog.

o      A typical visibility solution is that a reference to the ProductCatalog instance is maintained as an attribute of the Register.


Attribute Visibility

Attribute visibility from A to B exists when B is an attribute of A.

o      Relatively permanent visibility because it persists as long as A and B exist.

o      Common form of visibility in object-oriented systems.

e.g. in a Java class definition for Register, a Register instance may have attribute visibility to a ProductCatalog, since it is an attribute (Java instance variable) of the Register.

public class Register


private ProductCatalog catalog;


§       This visibility is required because in the enterltem diagram below, a Register needs to send the getSpecification message to a ProductCatalog:



Parameter Visibility

§       Parameter visibility from A to B exists when B is passed as a parameter to a method of A.

§       Temporary visibility - because it persists only within the scope of the method.

§       After attribute visibility, it is the second most common form of visibility in object-oriented systems.

§       e.g. when the makeLineltem message is sent to a Sale instance, a ProductSpecification instance is passed as a parameter. Within the scope of the makeLineltem method, the Sale has parameter visibility to a ProductSpecification



Figure :Parameter visibility


§       Common to transform parameter visibility into attribute visibility

§       For example:

o      when the Sale creates a new SalesLineltem, it passes a ProductSpecification to its initializing method.

o      Within the initializing method, the parameter is assigned to an attribute, thus establishing attribute visibility



Figure Parameter to attribute visibility.


Local Visibility

§       Local visibility from A to B exists when B is declared as a local object within a method of A.

§       Temporary visibility because it persists only within the scope of the method.

§       After parameter visibility, it is the third most common form of visibility in object-oriented systems.

§       Two common means by which local visibility is achieved are:

o      Create a new local instance and assign it to a local variable.

o      Assign the returning object from a method invocation to a local variable.

§       Common to transform locally declared visibility into attribute visibility.

§       Example of the second variation (assigning the returning object to a local variable) can be found in the enterltem method of class Register


Figure Local visibility.


Global Visibility

§       Global visibility from A to B exists when B is global to A.

§       Permanent visibility because it persists as long as A and B exist.

§       It is the least common form of visibility in object-oriented systems.

§       One way to achieve global visibility is to assign an instance to a global variable, which is possible in some languages

Illustrating Visibility in the UML




Larman: Chapter 19





Create design class diagrams (DCDs).


Identify the classes, methods, and associations to show in a DCD.


·       Interaction diagrams for use-case realizations completed

·       Can identify the specification for the software classes (and interfaces) that participate in the software solution, and annotate them with design details, such as methods.

·       UML notation for showing design details in class diagrams is explored to create DCDs.

When to Create DCDs

·       DCDs and interaction diagrams created in parallel.

·       DCDs may be used as an alternative to CRC cards in order to record responsibilities and collaborators.

Example DCD

·       DCD below illustrates a partial software definition of the Register and Sale classes.


Figure Sample design class diagram.


·       The diagram is extended to illustrate the:

o      methods of each class

o      attribute type information

o      attribute visibility and navigation between objects.


DOD and UP Terminology

·       A design class diagram (DCD) illustrates the specifications for software classes and interfaces in an application.

·       Typical information includes:

·         classes, associations and attributes

·         interfaces, with their operations and constants

·         methods

·         attribute type information

·         navigability

·         dependencies

·       Design classes in the DCDs show definitions for software classes rather than real-world concepts.

Domain Model vs. Design Model Classes

Domain Model

·       A Sale does not represent a software definition

·       It is an abstraction of a real-world concept



Figure : Domain model vs. Design Model classes.


Creating a NextGen POS DCD

Identify Software Classes and Illustrate Them

·       First step in creation of DCDs is to identify those classes that participate in the software solution.

o      Find them by scanning all the interaction diagrams and listing the classes mentioned.

o  For POS -










·       Second step - draw class diagrams for these classes and include the attributes previously identified in the Domain Model that are also used in the design (see Figure 19.3).



Figure : Software classes in the application.


·       Note: some concepts in the Domain Model, such as Cashier, are not present in the design.

o      no need now — include later


Add Method Names

·       Identify methods of each class by analyzing the interaction diagrams.

o      For example, if the message makeLineltem is sent to an instance of class Sale, then class Sale must define a makeLineltem method


Figure : Method names from interaction diagrams.


·       Inspection of all the interaction diagrams for the POS application yields the allocation of methods shown in Figure 19.5.


Figure : Methods in the application.


Method Name Issues

The following special issues must be considered with respect to method names:

·         interpretation of the create message

·         depiction of accessing methods

·         interpretation of messages to multiobjects

·         language-dependent syntax


Method Names—Multiobjects

·       A message to a multiobject is interpreted as a message to the container/collection object itself

o      For example, the find message to the multiobject is meant be interpreted as a message to the container/collection object


Figure : Message to a multiobject.


o      The find method is not part of the ProductSpecification class;

o      It is part of the multiobject’s interface.

o      It is incorrect to add find as a method to the ProductSpecification class.


Adding More Type Information

·       Types of the attributes, method parameters, and method return values may all optionally be shown.

·       Whether to show this information or not should be considered in the following context:

Is it necessary to show all the parameters and their type information? It depends on how obvious the information is to the intended audience.


Figure : Adding type information.


Adding Associations and Navigability

·       Each end of an association is called a role

·       For DCDs - the role may be decorated with a navigability arrow.

·       Navigability is a property of the role that indicates that it is possible to navigate uni-directionally across the association from objects of the source to target class.

·       Navigability implies visibility—usually attribute visibility

Figure : Showing navigability, or attribute visibility.


·       Usual interpretation - attribute visibility from the source to target class.

·       During implementation - translated as the source class having an attribute that refers to an instance of the target class.

o      For example, the Register class will define an attribute that references a Sale instance.


·       Associations are chosen by a need-to-know criterion:

What associations are required to satisfy the visibility and ongoing memory needs indicated by the interaction diagrams?


·       Required visibility and associations between classes are indicated by the interaction diagrams.

o      Common situations suggesting a need to define an association with a navigability adornment from A to B:

§       A sends a message to B.

§       A creates an instance B.

§       A needs to maintain a connection to B.

o      For example, from interaction diagram below:

§       Store should probably have an ongoing connection to the Register and ProductCatalog instances that it created

§       ProductCatalog needs an ongoing connection to the collection of ProductSpecifications it created.

§       These implied connections will therefore be present as associations in the class diagram.


·       Based on the above criterion for associations and navigability, analysis of all the interaction diagrams generated for the NextGen POS application will yield a class diagram

Figure : Associations with navigability adornments.


Adding Dependency Relationships

·       UML includes a general dependency relationship, which indicates that one element (of any kind, including classes, use cases, and so on) has knowledge of another element.

o      Illustrated with a dashed arrow line


Notation for Member Details

UML provides a notation to describe features of class and interface members, such as visibility, initial values, and so on.


Figure : Some UML class diagram member notation details.


Visibility Defaults in the UML?

Common convention - attributes are private and methods public, unless otherwise noted.


DCDs Within the UP

·       DCDs are part of the use-case realizations and thus members of the UP Design Model.









Business Modeling

Domain Model






Use-Case Model (SSDs)












Supplementary Specifications












Design Model






SW Architecture Document






Data Model






Implementation Model





Project Management

SW Development Plan






Test Model






Development Case






Table : Sample UP artifacts and timing. s - start; r - refine



Inception—The Desigu Model and DCDs will not usually be started until elab­oration because it involves detailed design decisions, which are premature dur­ing inception.


Elaboration—During this phase, DCDs will accompany the use-case realiza­tion interaction diagrams; they may be created for the most architecturally sig­nificant classes of the design.


Note that CASE tools can reverse-engineer (generate) DCDs from source code. It is recommended to generate DCDs regularly from the source code, to visualize the static structure of the system.


Construction—DCDs will continue to be generated from the source code as an aid in visualizing the static structure of the system.



Larman: Chapter 20



· Map design artifacts to code in an object-oriented language.


·       Interaction diagrams and DCDs done for current iteration of the NextGen

·       Sufficient detail to generate code for the domain layer of objects.

·       Interaction diagrams and DCDs used as input to code generation process.

·       UP defines the Implementation Model - artifacts such as the source code, database definitions, etc.


Programming and the Development Process

Figure : Implementation in an iteration influences later design.


·       Early activity within an iteration is to synchronize the design diagrams

o      earlier diagrams of iteration N will not match the final code of iteration N

o      they need to be synchronized before being extended with new design results.


Mapping Designs to Code

·       Implementation in an object-oriented programming language requires writing source code for:

o      class and interface definitions

o      method definitions


Creating Class Definitions from DCDs

·       DCDs depict the class or interface name, superclasses, method signatures, and simple attributes of a class.

·       Sufficient to create a basic class definition in an object-oriented programming language.


Defining a Class with Methods and Simple Attributes

·       From the DCD, a mapping to the basic attribute definitions (simple Java instance fields) and method signatures for the Java definition of SalesLineltem is straightforward, as shown below



·       Note that reference attributes of a class are often implied, rather than explicit, in a DCD.

·       Note the addition in the source code of the Java constructor SalesLineltem(...).

o      derived from the create(spec, qty) message sent to a SalesLineltem in the enterltem interaction diagram.

o      Indicates that a constructor supporting these parameters is required.

o      create method is often excluded from the class diagram because of its commonality and multiple interpretations, depending on the target language.


Adding Reference Attributes

·       A reference attribute is an attribute that refers to another complex object, not to a primitive type such as a String, Number, and so on.

·       The reference attributes of a class are suggested by the associations and navigability in a class diagram.

o      For example, a SalesLineltem has an association to a ProductSpecification, with navigability to it.

o      Common to interpret this as a reference attribute in class SalesLineltem that refers to a ProductSpecification instance

Figure : Adding reference attributes.


Reference Attributes and Role Names

·       Each end of an association is called a role.

·       A role name is a name that identifies the role and often provides some semantic context as to the nature of the role.

·       If a role name is present in a class diagram, use it as the basis for the name of the reference attribute during code generation, as shown below.



Figure : Role names may be used to generate instance variable names.


Mapping Attributes

·       The Sale class illustrates that in some cases one must consider the mapping of attributes from the design to the code in different languages.

Figure : the problem and its resolution.

Creating Methods from Interaction Diagrams

·       An interaction diagram shows the messages that are sent in response to a method invocation.

·       The sequence of these messages translates to a series of statements in the method definition.

·       The enterltem interaction diagram below illustrates the Java definition of the enterltem method of the Register class.

Figure: A Java definition


The Register--enterItem Method

·       Each sequenced message within a method, as shown on the interaction diagram, is mapped to a statement in the Java method.


Figure : The Register class.


·       The enterltem message is sent to a Register instance; therefore, the enterltem method is defined in class Register.


public void enterltem(ItemID itemlfl, mnt qty)


Message 1: A getSpecification message is sent to the ProductCatalog to retrieve a ProductSpecification.


ProductSpecification spec = catalog.getSpecification( itemID );


Message 2: The makeLineltem message is sent to the Sale.


sale.makeLineltem(spec, qty);


·       The complete enterltem method and its relationship to the interaction diagram is shown below.



Container/Collection Classes in Code

·       Often necessary for an object to maintain visibility to a group of other objects

·       Usually evident from the multiplicity value in a class diagram  

o      For example, a Sale must maintain visibility to a group of SalesLineltem instances, as shown below.

Figure : Adding a collection.


Order of Implementation

·       Classes need to be implemented from least-coupled to most-coupled

·       For example, possible first classes to implement are either Payment or ProductSpecification; next are classes only dependent on the prior implementations—ProduetCatalog or SalesLineltem.


Test-First Programming

·       Extreme Programming (XP) method and applicable to the UP is test-first programming.

·       Unit testing code is written before the code to be tested, and the developer writes unit testing code for all production code.

·       Write a little test code, then write a little production code, make it pass the test, then write some more test code, and so forth.


Advantages include:

·        The unit tests actually get written

·        Programmer satisfaction —if the tests are written first, then production code is created and refined to pass the tests, there is some feeling of accomplishment

·        Clarification of interface and behavior —the exact public interface and behavior of a class is not perfectly clear until programming it.

·        Provable verification — hundreds or thousands of unit tests provides meaningful verification of correctness.

·        The confidence to change things —When a developer needs to change existing code there is a unit test suite that can be run, providing immediate feedback if the change caused an error.


·       Popular, simple and free unit testing framework is JUnit (www.junit.org) for Java.

o      e.g. use JUnit and test-first programming to create the Sale class.

o      Before programming the Sale class write a unit testing method in a SaleTest class that does the following:

1.     Set up a new sale.

2.     Add some line items to it.

3.     Ask for the total, and verify it is the expected value.



public class SaleTest extends TestCase


// ...


public void testTotal()


//   set up the test

Money total = new Money( 7.5 );

Money price = new Money( 2.5 );

ItemID id = new ItemID( l );

ProductSpecification spec;

spec = new ProductSpecification( id, price, “product 1” );

Sale sale = new Sale();


//   add the items

sale.makeLineltem( spec, l );

sale.makeLineltem( spec, 2 );

assertEquals(sale.getTotal(), total);




·       Listing shows there is a translation from design artifacts to a foundation of code.

·       Only after this SaleTest class is created do we then write the Sale class to pass this test.

·       Not all unit testing methods need to be written beforehand.

·       A developer writes one testing method, then the production code to satisfy it, then another testing method, and so on.


Introduction to the Program Solution

·       A sample domain object layer program solution in Java for this iteration.

·       The code generation is largely derived from the design class diagrams and interaction diagrams defined in the design work, based on the principles of mapping designs to code as previously explored.


Class Payment

public class Payment


private Money amount;

public Payment( Money cashTendered )

{ amount = cashTendered; )

public Money getAmount()

{ return amount; }


Class ProductCatalog

public class ProductCatalog


public ProductCatalog( )


//   sample data

ItemID idl = new ItemID( 100 );

ItemlID id2 = new ItemID( 200 );

Money price = new Money( 3 );


ProductSpecification ps;

p5 = new ProductSpecification( idl, price, “product 1” );

productSpecifications.put( idl, ps );

p5 = new ProductSpecification( id2, price, “product 2” );

productSpecifications.put( id2, PS );



public ProductSpecification getSpecification( ItemID id )


return (ProductSpecification)productSpecifications.get ( id );





Class Register

public class Register


private ProductCatalog catalog;

private Sale sale;


public Register( ProductCatalog catalog )


this.catalog = catalog;



public void endSale()


sale.becomeComplete ( );



public void enterltem( ItemID id, mnt quantity )


ProductSpecification spec = catalog.getSpecification( id );


sale.makeLineltem( spec, quantity );



public void makeNewSale()


sale = new Sale();



public void makePayment( Money cashTendered )


sale.makePayment( cashTendered );



Class ProductSpecification

public class ProductSpecification


private ItemID id;

private Money price;

private String description;


public ProductSpecification

( ItemID id, Money price, String description )


this.id = id;

thms.price = price;

this.description = description;



public ItemID getItemID() { return id;}


public Money getPrice() { return price; }


public String getDescription() { return description; }




Class Sale

public class Sale


private List lineltems = new ArrayList();

private Date date = new Date();

private boolean isComplete = false;

private Payment payment;


public Money getBalance()


return payment .getAmount ( ) .minus ( getTotal ( ) );



public void becomeComplete() { isComplete = true; } public boolean isComplete() { return isComplete; }


public void makeLineItem

( ProductSpecification spec, mnt quantity )


lineItems.add( new SalesLineItem( spec, quantity ) );



public Money getTotal()


Money total = new Money();

Iterator i = lmneltems.iterator();

while( i.hasNext() )


 SalesLineltem sli = (SalesLmneltem) i.next();

 total.add( sli.getSubtotal() );


return total;



public void makePayment( Money cashTendered )


payment = new Payment( cashTendered );





Class SalesLineltem


public class SalesLineltem


private int quantity;

private ProductSpecification productSpec;


public SalesLineItem (ProductSpecification spec, int quantity )


this.productSpec = spec;

this.quantity = quantity;



public Money getSubtotal()


return productSpec .getPrice ( ) .times ( quantity );





Class Store


public class Store


private ProductCatalog catalog = new ProductCatalog();

private Register register = new Register( catalog );



public Register getRegister() ( return register; )
