CS865 – Distributed Software Development

Socket Assignment



Complete the following assignment and email the report, source, and executable code to fmarchese@pace.edu


1.    This exercise deals with the connectionless datagram socket via code sample Example1 of the Sockets lecture.  As a start, it is recommended that you run both programs on one machine, the host name of which you may refer to as “localhost”, as in the command “java Example1Sender  localhost  12345  hello” to execute Example1Sender.  You may optionally repeat the exercises by running the programs on separate machines, assuming that you have access to such machines.

a.     Compile the .java files.  Then run the two applications by (i) executing the receiver, then (ii) executing the sender, taking care to specify the appropriate command line arguments in each case.  The message sent should not exceed the maximum length allowed in the receiver (that is, 10 characters).  Describe the outcome of the run.

b.    Re-run the applications – this time reverse the order of the steps (i) and (ii).  Describe and explain the outcome.

c.     Repeat a, this time sending a message of length greater than the maximum length allowed (say “01234567890”).  Describe and explain the outcome.

d.    Modify the original Example 1 code so that the sender also receives a message from the receiver.  You should only need one socket only in each process.  Compile, run, and turn in your code; be sure to modify the comments accordingly.


2.    Modify Example5*.java so that the ConnectionRequestor sends a replying message to the ConnectionAcceptor after receiving a message from the Acceptor.  The replying message should be displayed by the Acceptor.