CS865 – Distributed Software Development

Client-Server Assignment



Complete the following assignment and email the report, source, and executable code to fmarchese@pace.edu


1.    This exercise uses EchoServer1 and EchoClient1, which uses connectionless datagram sockets for the Echo service.

Compile Echo*1.java (“javac  Echo*1.java”).  Then:


a.  Run the programs by starting the server (don’t forget to specify a port number as a command-line argument) first, then the client.  Conduct a session and observe the diagnostic messages displayed on both sides. Describe your observation of the sequence of events.


b.  With the server running, start two clients in separate windows.   Can you conduct the two client sessions in parallel?  Describe and explain your observation. 



2.    This exercise deals with EchoServer3.  Recall that EchoServer3 is connection-oriented and concurrent.

Compile Echo*3.java (“javac Echo*3.java”).  Then:


a.  Run the programs by starting the server EchoServer3 (don’t forget to specify a port number as a command-line argument) first, then the client EchoClient2.  Conduct a session and observe the diagnostic messages displayed on both sides. Describe your observation of the sequence of events.


b.  With the server running, start two clients in separate windows.   Can you conduct the two client sessions in parallel?  Describe and explain your observation.