CS865 – Distributed Software Development

RMI Assignment



Complete the following assignment and email the report, source, and executable code (PLEASE ZIP the file together!) to  fmarchese@pace.edu


This exercise makes use of the Hello example from the lecture.

a)    Open a directory  for this exercise. Place the source files for the Hello example in the directory.

b)    Compile HelloInterface.java and HelloImpl.java.

c)    Use rmic to compile HelloImpl. Check the folder to see that the proxy classes are generated.  What are their names?

d)    Compile HelloServer.java .  Check the contents of your folder.

e)    Run the server, specifying a random port number for the RMI Registry.  Check the messages displayed, including the list of names currently in the registry.  Do you see the name that the server registered under (as specified in the program)?

f)      Compile and run  HelloClient.java.   When prompted, specify “localhost”for the host name, and the RMI registry port number you previously specified. What happened?  Explain.

g)    Run the client program on a separate machine.  Were you successful?