--- Professor Jeff Kramer ---

   Dean of the Faculty of Engineering
&   Professor of Distributed Computing
Distributed Software Engineering
Department of Computing
Imperial College London
180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 2AZ, UK.
Email: j.kramer at imperial.ac.uk
Phone: +44.20.7594.8271
Fax:   +44.20.7594.8282

Research Interests

Darwin Architecture for Concurrent and Distributed systems

LTSA: LTS Analyser  for Concurrent and Distributed systems


 Full publications list


Book and Course Material

Concurrency Course: A twenty lecture course based on the book.

The material includes slides, Java applets and the LTSA analysis tool.

Exercises 2005:  Unassessed exercises 1&2

                            Unassessed exercises 3

                            Assessed exercise 1

                            Unassessed exercises 4 & 5

                            Unassessed exercise 6

                            Unassessed exercise 7

                            Assessed exercise 2

New notes 2005: Asynchronous Algorithms

Asynchronous Resource Algorithms

Demos: a zip file containing models for several asynchronous algorithms

Logical time



o       Kramer, J., and Cunningham, R.J., "Towards a Notation for the Functional Design of Distributed Processing Systems", (IEEE Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing, 1978), 69-76. Award for the Most Original Paper.

o       Russo, A. Miller, R., Nuseibeh, B. and Kramer, J., “An abductive approach for analysing event-based requirements specifications”,
(International Conference on Logic Programming Copenhagen, Denmark, July 29th - August 1st, 2002). Best Applications Paper Award.


Conferences (2006/07)

·        6th IEEE International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2006), Beijing, China on 26--28 October 2006.

·        ACM International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA ’06), Portland, Maine, July 2006.

·        IEEE DSGrid2006 Workshop, Distributed Simulation on the Grid, CCGrid Singapore, May 2006


·        Programme Co-Chair for IEEE Israeli Software Engineering Conference (SwSTE'07), Herzlia, October 2007.

·        PC member of 29th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2007), Minneapolis, May 2007.

·        Program Board of RE'07, the 15thIEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, Delhi, India, October 2007.


·        Chair for Software Engineering: Achievements and Challenges Track of 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2006), Shanghai, May 2006. 

·        PC member of 21st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2006), Tokyo, September 2006.

·        PC member of 14th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE ’06), Portland, November  2006.


        Impact Project: ACM SIGSOFT study of the impact of software engineering research on software engineering practice.

Publications Editor


Inaugural Lecture as Professor of Distributed Computing

One of the ways in which traditional engineers cope with the design of large and complex systems is to build models, simplified representations of aspects of the real world. These models are used to check particular properties of the system and its environment. Software engineers have also adopted this approach, but tend to disagree about the role of modelling, the form of the models, and the means of relating different models to the software system. For many distributed systems, software architecture can provide a unifying framework for these concerns.

Software architecture is the overall structure of a system in terms of its constituent components and their interconnections. It can be used to provide the "skeleton" upon which to flesh out the particular details of concern. For analysis, we can associate behavioural descriptions with the components and reason about the behaviour of systems composed from these components according to the architecture. For system construction, we can associate implementations with the components of the architecture. Systems developed in this way have an explicit structural skeleton which, being shared, helps to maintain consistency between the system and the various elaborated models.

16th December 1997, Department of Computing, Imperial College.

Vote of Thanks: Prof. Carlo Ghezzi, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano.

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