SE735 - Data and Document Representation & Processing

Lecture 3 - XML Foundations


Additional Reference and Resource: XML Lecture


Document Engineering has nothing inherently to do with XML

o   XML has rapidly become the preferred format for representing the physical models used to exchange information.

o   XML is a format for describing document models that represent entire business events

o   Using coarse-grained documents as interfaces is the key idea behind web services and service-oriented architectures.

The syntax isn’t what is most important about XML


XML Foundations for Document Engineering

1.   Neither the methods of Document Engineering nor the models it produces have anything inherently to do with XML or any other syntax

2.   But HTML has limited use for business applications because it has no tags for marking up information to give it business meaning

3.   XML has become the preferred format for representing physical models of documents and business processes

4.   XML was designed to give the intuitive idea of a document model a more physical, formal foundation

5.   XML is a metalanguage for markup, and markup languages -- "document types" -- can be created for very specific document or process models

6.   XML schemas define the rules that govern the arrangement and values of a document’s content

7.   An XML schema communicates the model of a document type to people or applications that need to create or receive document instances, so an XML document without a schema is little more than a bag of tags whose meanings are undefined

8.   There is often a gap between the conceptual model of a document – all the "business rules" associated with it -- and what can be described in an XML schema

9.   The decision about where to transform documents is a business one

From HTML to XML

o   HTML and the web browser transformed the Internet

o   HTML took off because it was nonproprietary and because of the conceptual and technical simplicity of publishing with it

o   These two ideas—using tags to enclose or surround content with labels, and relating the labels to the desired presentation of the content—are easy to understand, even for schoolchildren.

A Calendar Event in HTML

Text Box: <html>
 <h1>Center for Document Engineering</h1>
 <h2>Calendar of Events: January 2004</h2>
 <li><p>“Delivering on the Promise of XML”</p>
 <li>Lecture by Eve Maler, Sun Microsystems
	<li>Monday, January 12 4:00-5:00 PM
	<li>South Hall 202
	<p>Eve Maler will introduce the <strong>Universal Business Language (UBL)</strong> and the <strong>Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)</strong> and discuss their XML design features that maximize the sharing of semantics and processing even when the core vocabularies are customized.</p>
 <li><p>“Adobe’s XML Architecture”</p>
 <li>Workshop by Charles Myers, Adobe Systems
	 <li>Thursday, January 22 1:00-3:00 PM
	 <li>South Hall 110
	<p>Adobe’s XML architecture combines the <strong>Portable Document Format (PDF)</strong> with XML to combine user data and its visual presentation and data into a common framework. 

A Calendar Event in HTML viewed with a Browser



The Browser War

The idea of a standard and simple HTML vocabulary didn't survive the browser wars


From the Web for Eyes to the Web for Computers

HTML has no tags for marking up business meaning

No single vocabulary can have enough semantic precision for all applications


XML’s Big Ideas

Five big ideas relating to XML:

1.   XML is extensible: it enables the creation of new sets of tags for domain-specific content.

2.   XML encodes content rather than presentation formatting; content and its presentation are kept separate.

3.   XML schemas define models of document types.

4.   XML schemas enable XML document instances to be validated.

5.   XML is often produced by converting non-XML information; and XML documents are often transformed to meet the requirements of specific implementations.



Creation of New Sets of Tags for Domain-Specific Content

XML document in which the text content is nearly identical to that of the HTML

Text Box: <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
<?xml-stylesheet type=“text/xsl” href=“calendar.xsl” ?> 
	<Organization>Center for Document Engineering</Organization>
	<TimePeriod>January 2004</TimePeriod>
	<Event type=“Lecture”>
			<Title>Delivering on the Promise of XML</Title>
			<Description>Eve Maler will introduce the <Keyword>Universal Business Language (UBL)</Keyword> and the <Keyword>Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)</Keyword> and discuss their XML design features that maximize the sharing of semantics and processing even when the core vocabularies are customized.</Description>
				<Name>Eve Maler</Name>
				<Affiliation>Sun Microsystems</Affiliation>
			<DateTime>Monday, January 12 4:00-5:00 PM</DateTime>
			<Location>South Hall 202</Location>
	<Event type=“Workshop”>
			<Title>Adobe’s XML Architecture</Title>
			<Description>Adobe’s XML architecture combines the <Keyword>Portable Document Format (PDF)</Keyword> with XML to combine user data and its visual presentation and data into a common framework. 
				<Name>Charles Myers</Name>
				<Affiliation>Adobe Systems</Affiliation>
			<DateTime>Thursday, January 22 1:00-3:00 PM</DateTime>
			<Location>South Hall 110</Location>


XML defines the rules by which specific markup languages are created

Ø  XML specification is more precise about syntax than HTML

Ø  XML is extensible: there is essentially no limit to the element types and XML document can contain, and the elements are often named to suggest the meaning of the content

Ø  XML is a metalanguage, which defines the rules by which specific XML markup languages are created but says nothing about what element types they use.

Ø  These specific XML languages are also called XML vocabularies or XML applications

Ø  For example

o   XHTML is an XML vocabulary that recasts HTML in XML syntax to make it more modular and to more rigorously separate content and presentation.

o   UBL, the Universal Business Language, is an XML vocabulary for business documents


Separation of Content and Presentation

In XML the separation of content and presentation is inherent and desirable

Ø  Nearly always necessary to apply to the XML document a transformation or stylesheet that creates HTML or some other presentation-oriented vocabulary to the XML information.

Ø  Sometimes a stylesheet is then also applied to the transformed HTML to optimize its presentation

Ø  XML elements should be used to encode conceptual distinctions in a presentation-independent manner to enable the reuse and repurposing of information for different contexts or implementations.

Ø  XML’s separation of content and presentation also reinforces and rewards specialization in skills between information modeling and user interface or graphic design.


Basic XML

eXtended Markup Language (XML)

Recommended textbooks:

S. Holzner, Sams Teach yourself XML in 21 Days, 3rd edition, 2004.

C. Bates, XML in Theory and Practice, Wiley, 2003.


The following examples are from Holzner:


Sample HTML doc:

Text View

Browser View



       <TITLE>Hello From HTML</TITLE>





              An HTML Document



       This is an HTML document!





Sample XML doc:

Text View

Browser View

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



       Hello From XML



       This is an XML document!



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

- <document>

  <heading>Hello From XML</heading>

  <message>This text is inside a <message> element.</message>



Sample XML with Stylesheets:

Test View

Browser View

Xml files contents:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="ch01_04.css"?>



       Hello From XML



       This is an XML document!




Stylesheet file contents (ch01_04.css):

heading {display: block; font-size: 24pt; color: #ff0000; text-align: center}

message{display: block; font-size: 18pt; color: #0000ff; text-align: center}


XML Structure


XML Tags


o    Valid  tags begin with A to Z, _ , a to z

o    Second characters may be digits 0 – 9, - , and .

o    Tag names are case sensitive

o    Tag names cannot include white space


Elements – composed of two tags:

<book> XML in Theory and Practice </book>

<name> Professor F. T. Marchese </name>



o    An element must have start and end tags unless it is an empty element

o    Start and end tags must form a matched pair


Empty elements –

Only have one tag: Syntax …<    />


<heading text = “Hello from XML” />


Root elements:

o    Each well formed document must contain a root element with any legal name

o    This element contains all other elements




       Hello From XML



       This is an XML document!




Nesting elements: tags must pair-up inside XML so they are closed in reverse order:



       Hello From XML



       This is an XML document!




Character Encoding

o    ASCII – 1 byte – 256 characters

o    Unicode – 2 bytes 65536 characters

o    UCS – Universal character system - 4 bytes – 4.3 billion characters


XML supports:



UTF-8  -- Compressed Unicode -- two bytes – 1st byte ASCII , 2nd byte Unicode subset.

UTF-16 – Compressed UCS

ISO-10646-UCS-2 -- Unicode


In practice… XML “processors” support UTF-8 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



       Hello From XML



       This is an XML document!




Character Reference













<message> This text is inside a &lt;message&gt; element. </message>

Result: This text is inside a <message> element.



<!-- This is a comment -->



Attributes may appear in:

o    Elements

o    Processing instructions

o    XML declarations



attributename = “value”




<brush width=”10” height =”5” color=”cyan” />

<point x=”10” y=”100” />

<book title=”Home Alone 2” review=”bad” />



CDATA are sections of the XML document that are not parsed.

CDATA – Character Data

PCDATA – Parsed Character Data


<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>

- <document>

- <text>

  Here's how the element starts:

- <![CDATA[

        <employee status="retired">





            <hiredate>October 15, 2005</hiredate>















XML Namespaces

Namespace – a unique identifier for a set of names within an XML document


Declaring a Namespace: assign xmlns:prefix attribute to a unique identifier, e.g.



 The URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) or URLs specified can point to a document such as a DTD or schema.

Original document

- <document>

- <employee>

- <name>




  <hiredate>October 15, 2005</hiredate>

- <projects>

- <project>





- <project>









Document using namespaces

- <hr:employee xmlns:hr="" xmlns:boss="">

- <hr:name>




  <hr:hiredate>October 15, 2005</hr:hiredate>

  <boss:comment>Needs much supervision.</boss:comment>

- <hr:projects>

- <hr:project>





- <hr:project>









Definition of Document Types

Easy to distinguish:

Ø  a dictionary from an invoice,

Ø  a newspaper from a novel,

Ø  a restaurant menu from a collection of poems,

Because each document follows a characteristic structural pattern to arrange types of content unlikely to be found in the other.

Intuitive notion of models of different types of documents is very useful.

Ø  Explains why we have had:

o   standard business forms for centuries

o   style guides for authors

o   national and international standards for electronic business messages

o   templates in word processors and spreadsheets

o   various other ways of describing expectations about content and its arrangement in documents.


Models of Documents

Need for Models

Ø  Define models of different types of documents in a rigorous and unambiguous way to automate their process or exchange within or between applications.

Ø  Use their formal definitions to generate and drive some of the software needed to process the documents.


XML Schemas

An XML schema defines the possible types of content in a document and the rules that govern the structure and values of that content.

Ø  Every XML schema contains definitions of element types.

Ø  An XML schema also specifies the attributes that can be associated with elements, but they’re not self-describing either.

Ø  The meaning of elements is represented in an XML schema through the constraints or rules that govern the structural arrangement of elements and the values that elements and attributes can have.

Ø  Business rules - constraints on structure, data, and behavior are called.

o   The kinds of rules expressed in XML element definitions include:

§  containment relationships

§  sequence and cardinality relationships

§  choices

§  recursion


Schema Languages

Ø  First XML schema language was Document Type Definition (DTD)

Ø  DTDs were designed to represent the structural properties of documents, but they treat most data as just text and can’t represent meaningful information models.

Ø  DTDs are sufficient for describing models of narrative document types like newspapers, dictionaries, and reports, whose content is primarily text and intended for use by people.

Ø  DTDs can also easily express mixed content models in which character data can contain “in-line” elements, a very common requirement in narrative documents

Document Type Definitions (DTDs)

v  A DTD defines the formal rules of a documents structure

v  Lists elements, attributes, and entities that may be used in the document

v  Defines the relationship among elements, attributes, and entities

v  DTDs outline the tree structure of an XML document

v  DTDs have own structure and syntax


DTD Structure

o    DTD is a series of declarations of the form <!        >

o    DTDs contain 4 keywords:

o   ELEMENT – which defines a tag

o   ATTRIBUTE – which defines an attribute of an ELEMENT

o   ENTITY – which is used to define an ENTITY

o   NOTATION – which defines a data type


e.g. from Bates:

<!DOCTYPE letter[

  <!ELEMENT letter (address)>

  <!ELEMENT address (line1, line2?, line3*, city, (county|state)?, country?, code?)>

  <!ELEMENT line1 (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT line2 (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT line3 (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT city (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT county (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT state (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT country (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT code (#PCDATA)>


o    DTD describes structure of XML document starting with root node – letter

o    DTD is declared by using a <!DOCTYPE> element

o    <!DOCTYPE> element syntax:

o   <!DOCTYPE rootname [DTD]>

o   <!DOCTYPE rootname SYSTEM URI>

o   <!DOCTYPE rootname SYSTEM URI [DTD]>



o   Each tag is declared as an ELEMENT

o   Each element may contain data or more elements, and may have further attributes

o    The structure must be declared as 1st element, e.g. <!ELEMENT letter (address)>

o   ELEMENT content follows name and is in parentheses

o   Content is a list of items separated by “,” or “|” – known as content model

o   Root node has another ELEMENT as its content -(address)


o    Address element contains all components:

<!ELEMENT address (line1, line2?, line3*, city, (county|state)?, country?, code?)>

o    Comma between elements means that all may be in XML document

o    Element ordering is logical for human understanding, not required by XML.

o    Parentheses used for grouping, and | is logical OR

o    Symbols after items signify appearance:






Item appears zero or more times


(item1, item2, item3)

Separates items in sequence



Item appears exactly once


(item1, item2)

Encloses group of items


(item1 | item2)

Separates a set of alternatives



Item appears at least once

Question Mark


Item appears once or not at all


Text Content

o    Parsed character data - <!ELEMENT line1 (#PCDATA)>

o    Mixed content model - <!ELEMENT line1 (#PCDATA | house_number | street_name)*>

o   Must obey this form -> #PCDATA -> other elements separated by pipe -> followed by *



o    Attributes give additional info about element or content

o    Attributes declared separately and associated with element:

<!ATTLIST element attribute type default>

o    element – name of element to which the attribute applies

o    attribute  - attribute name

o    type – XML data type

o    default -  XML attribute defaults


<!ELEMENT country (#PCDATA)>

<!ATTLIST country

continent (Europe | Asia | Africa | North America )”Asia”

language CDATA #IMPLIED>

o    element – country

o    attribute  - continent – followed by an enumerated list of values

o    default -  Asia

o    attribute  - language – followed by CDATA

o    default -  #IMPLIED


XML Attribute Types




Character data – not parsed


Attribute values is reference to an entity declared elsewhere in DTD


Multiple entities referenced


Identifies a location within document


References an ID declared elsewhere in DTD – used for hyperlinking in document


Multiple Ids linked


Value can be word or token


A list of tokens


NOTATION declared elsewhere


List of possible values in parens


XML Attribute Defaults




Value must be given for each element that has an attribute


Attribute is optional – no value must be given

#FIXED value

Attribute must have value given


Default value is given for attribute



o    XML document separated into number of components called Entities

o    Each entity has a unique name

o    Entities use to:

o   Split large documents

o   Content needs to be used in a number of places with document without duplication

o   Different systems may render same content in different ways

o    Declaration:

o   <!ENTITY name definition>

o   <!ENTITY name SYSTEM system_identifier [NOTATION]>

o   <!ENTITY name PUBLIC [public_identifier] system_identifier [NOTATION]>


o    Internal entity - simplest definition –– within DTD – wherever referenced in XML document content in DTD will be substituted for reference.

o   Internal entity definition - <!ENTITY name definition>

o    External reference – refers to content outside DTD and XML file – may be on remote system

o   <!ENTITY locationmap SYSTEM “./images/home.png” NDATA PNG>

§  URI - “./images/home.png”

§  NDATA – Notation data type follows

§  PNG – type of data


NOTATIONS normally specify applications that can process data:


<!NOTATION PNG SYSTEM “/usr/bin/display”>

<!NOTATION gif SYSTEM "gifviewer.exe">


Using DTDs

Internal DTD

<!DOCTYPE rootnode[




External DTD

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<!DOCTYPE rootnode SYSTEM | PUBLIC [public_identifier] URI>


Example: from Holzner

XML file

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<!DOCTYPE document SYSTEM "ch04_07.dtd">                                             







       <hiredate>October 15, 2005</hiredate>















DTD file

<!ELEMENT document (employee)*>                 

<!ELEMENT employee (name, hiredate, projects)>         

<!ELEMENT name (lastname, firstname)>           

<!ELEMENT lastname (#PCDATA)>                  

<!ELEMENT firstname (#PCDATA)>                 

<!ELEMENT hiredate (#PCDATA)>                       

<!ELEMENT projects (project)*>                      

<!ELEMENT project (product,id,price)>         

<!ELEMENT product (#PCDATA)>                   

<!ELEMENT id (#PCDATA)>                    

<!ELEMENT price (#PCDATA)>                     




XML Schemas:


o    For transactional document types the most useful schema language is the one recommended by the W3C called XSD or XML Schema (with a capital S).

o    XSD was developed to meet a much broader and more computer-oriented set of requirements than DTDs.

o    XSD documents are encoded using XML syntax and overcome most of the limitations of DTDs.

o    The XSD language includes all the basic data types common in programming languages and databases (string, Boolean, integer, floating point, and so on), as well as mechanisms for deriving new data types.

o   For example, an XSD schema can define a Student type as a specialization of a Person type with additional required elements, or an alphanumeric PartNumber type as a string whose values are restricted using regular expressions.

o    Defined in the W3C's XML Schema Working Group

An XML Schema:


Using Schema:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">

      <!-- Define the actual document -->

      <xsd:element name="letter">



o    Content of schema – mostly element definitions

o    Elements may contain sub-elements (e.g. string or numbers, or both)

o   Simple types - Elements that contain only data

o   Complex types – all others


Example: Mortgage file (Holzner)

XML file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<document documentDate="2005-03-02">

   <comment>Good risk</comment>

   <mortgagee phone="888.555.1234">

       <name>James Blandings</name>

       <location>1234 299th St</location>

       <city>New York</city>




       <mortgage loanNumber="66 7777 88">

           <property>The Hackett Place</property>





       <mortgage loanNumber="11 8888 22">

           <property>123 Acorn Drive</property>





       <mortgage loanNumber="33 4444 11">

           <property>99 West Pocusset St</property>





       <mortgage loanNumber="55 3333 88">

           <property>19 Johnson Place</property>





       <mortgage loanNumber="22 6666 99">

           <property>345 Notingham Court</property>






   <bank phone="888.555.8888">

       <name>XML Bank</name>

       <location>12 Schema Place</location>

       <city>New York</city>




XSD file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">



           Mortgage record XML schema.



                <xsd:element name="document" type="documentType"/>

                <xsd:complexType name="documentType">


                                                <xsd:element ref="comment"/>

                                                <xsd:element name="mortgagee" type="recordType"/>

                                                <xsd:element name="mortgages" type="mortgagesType"/>

                                                <xsd:element name="bank" type="recordType"/>


                                <xsd:attribute name="documentDate" type="xsd:date"/>


                <xsd:complexType name="recordType">


                                                <xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string"/>

                                                <xsd:element name="location" type="xsd:string"/>

                                                <xsd:element name="city" type="xsd:string"/>

                                                <xsd:element name="state" type="xsd:string"/>


                                <xsd:attribute name="phone" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>


                <xsd:complexType name="mortgagesType">


                                                <xsd:element name="mortgage" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8">



                                                                                                <xsd:element name="property" type="xsd:string"/>

                                                                                                <xsd:element name="date" type="xsd:date" minOccurs="0"/>

                                                                                                <xsd:element name="loanAmount" type="xsd:decimal"/>

                                                                                                <xsd:element name="term">


                                                                                                                                <xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">

                                                                                                                                                <xsd:maxInclusive value="30"/>





                                                                                <xsd:attribute name="loanNumber" type="loanNumberType"/>





                <xsd:simpleType name="loanNumberType">

                                <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">

                                                <xsd:pattern value="\d{2} \d{4} \d{2}"/>



                <xsd:element name="comment" type="xsd:string"/>





Rules That Schema Languages Can’t Represent

Every XML schema language makes tradeoffs that determine:

o    the range of document models it can realize

o    the ease with it defines them

o    how readily it can reuse a model or parts of models in more than one schema.

e.g. XSD cannot express dependency constraints on element content:

o    “the start time for a calendar event must be earlier than the end time”

o    “if the total is greater than $1,000 the purchase order requires an authorization code”



o    Validation is the process of testing whether an XML document follows the rules defined in an associated schema.

o    A document that follows or satisfies the schema is said to be valid.

o    Validation is most often carried out by a validating parser embedded in an XML-aware text editor, application server, integration tool, or other software that processes XML

o    Weaker criterion of quality checking for XML documents is called well-formedness and requires merely that the XML document meets some minimal syntactic constraints, such as having exactly one root element and having matching start and end tags that don’t overlap.

o   An XML document that isn’t even well-formed will be rejected by an XML parser and not passed on for further processing.


Conversion and Transformation

o    XML is often produced by converting non-XML information

o    XML documents are often transformed to meet the requirements of other contexts or implementations

o    Issues and problems that arise in conversion and transformation are shaped by where the source and target documents lie on the Document Type Spectrum

o    The greater semantic precision in transactional documents makes them easier to convert to or from, regardless of the source or target syntax

Conversion to XML

Reason to covert to XML:

o    To facilitate a single-source publishing strategy in which content is created once and then reused many times.

o    Extract or format the same content in many different ways to create different documents. This form of reuse is often called repurposing.

o    To extract information from a database, ERP system, or legacy application primarily used inside an enterprise to enable Internet-based transactions with customers or business partners.

XML Conversion

o    The conversion of information to XML can be completely automated if the information source is well structured with explicit semantics and the structure and semantics are rigorously described with a schema.

o    Process of adding value to information by converting it to XML is often called up translation to express the work it takes to give XML the informational equivalent of potential energy.

o    Once information is in XML syntax its greater potential energy makes it easy and straightforward to create any other format, so naturally the transformation from XML to a non-XML format is often called down translation.


Up- and Down-Translation with XML





Transformation from XML

o   Transforming an XML document involves selecting, reordering, or restructuring its content.

o   Transforming an XML document so that it conforms to a different XML schema is often followed by down-translation to a non-XML format, as it is in EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) gateway applications.

o   Often necessary to transform or down-translate XML to HTML so that it can be viewed in a web browser.

o   The process of applying a presentation to an XML document is called styling

o   Styling is done by using W3C: XSLT, the Extensible Stylesheet Language for Transformation, and XSL FO, the Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects


o   XSLT is an XML-aware functional programming language that operates on logical “node sets” derived from the element and attribute structure of XML documents.

o   XSLT has the usual constructs for logical flow of control like conditional, loops, and switches. What makes it most useful for transforming XML are its XPath facilities for expressing and matching patterns in the logical XML structures so that arbitrary trees or subtrees can be selected and rearranged.

o   XSL FO, often a target vocabulary of an XSLT transform, is designed for typesetting-quality control of printed XML output.

XML Stylesheets



·         XML is not a fixed tag set (like HTML)

·         XML by itself has no (application) semantics

·         A generic XML processor has no idea what is "meant" by the XML

·         XML markup does not (usually) include formatting information

·         The information in an XML document may not be in the form in which it is desired to present it

·         Need something in addition to the XML document that provides information on how to present or otherwise process the XML

Advantages to separating content from style

·         Separation of style from content allows for the same data to be presented in different ways.

·         Enabling:

o   Reuse of fragments of data: the same content should look different in different contexts

o   Multiple output formats: different media (paper, online), different sizes (manuals, reports), different classes of output devices (workstations, hand-held devices)

o   Styles tailored to the reader's preference (e.g., accessibility): print size, color, simplified layout for audio readers

o   Standardized styles: corporate stylesheets can be applied to the content at any time

o   Freedom from style issues for content authors: technical writers needn't be concerned with layout issues because the correct style can be applied later


Options for displaying XML


What Does a Stylesheet Do?

·         A stylesheet specifies the presentation of XML information using two basic categories of techniques:

·         An optional transformation of the input document into another structure

·         A description of how to present the transformed information (i.e., a specification of what properties to associate to each of the various parts of the transformed information)

Transformation capabilities

·         Transformation capabilities include:

o   generation of constant text

o   suppression of content

o   moving text (e.g., exchanging the order of the first and last name)

o   duplicating text (e.g., copying titles to make a table of contents)

o   sorting

o   more complex transformations that "compute" new information in terms of the existing information


Description of information

o   Description of how to present the (possibly transformed) data includes three levels of formatting information:

o   Specification of the general screen or page (or even audio) layout

o   Assignment of the transformed content into basic "content container types" (e.g., lists, paragraphs, inline text)

o   Specification of formatting properties (spacing, margins, alignment, fonts, etc.) for each resulting "container"

The components of the XSL language

·         The full XSL language logically consists of three component languages which are described in three W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) Recommendations:

o   XPath: XML Path Language--a language for referencing specific parts of an XML document

o   XSLT: XSL Transformations--a language for describing how to transform one XML document (represented as a tree) into another

o   XSL: Extensible Stylesheet Language--XSLT plus a description of a set of Formatting Objects and Formatting Properties


XML to result tree

An XSLT "stylesheet" transforms the input (source) document's tree into a structure called a result tree consisting of result objects



Result tree doctypes

·         The result tree's structure is that of an XML document, and its objects correspond to elements with attributes

·         The result tree's structure and "tag set" can match that of any XML document or doctype.

o   In particular, the result tree could be:


result tree is easily written out as an HTML document

§  other XML doctype

result tree is easily written out as an XML document in this other doctype (for some further application-specific processing)

§  FO result tree

result tree's structure (and element and attribute names) matches the set of formatting objects and formatting properties defined by the (non-transformation) part of XSL

·         Serialization of the result tree is not necessary for further processing of the result tree.


An XSL stylesheet

·         An XSL stylesheet basically consists of a set of templates

·         Each template "matches" some set of elements in the source tree and then describes the contribution that the matched element makes to the result tree

·         Generally, elements in a stylesheet in the "xsl" namespace are part of the XSLT language, and non-xsl elements within a template are what get put into the result tree


HTML vs. XSL Formatting Objects

·         Transformation is independent of the target result type

·         Most people are more familiar with HTML so many of the examples in this tutorial use HTML

·         The XSL implementation in IE5 is incomplete. The examples in this tutorial will not work in IE5

·         The techniques apply equally well to XSL Formatting Objects or other tag sets

·         XSLT is a tree-to-tree transformation process

·         Serialization may vary depending on the selected output method

·         There is a distinction between HTML element names and HTML


The Structure of a Stylesheet

·         XSLT Stylesheets are XML documents; namespaces ( are used to identify semantically significant elements.

·         Most stylesheets are stand-alone documents rooted at <xsl:stylesheet> or <xsl:transform>. It is possible to have "single template" stylesheet/documents.

·         <xsl:stylesheet> and <xsl:transform> are completely synonymous.

Note that it is the mapping from namespace abbreviation to URI that is important, not the literal namespace abbreviation "xsl:" that is used most commonly.


Stylesheet Examples

A Stylesheet

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""






A Transformation Sheet

<eg:transform xmlns:eg=""





Document as Stylesheet

<html xmlns:xsl="">


<title>Silly Example</title>



<h1>Silly Example</h1>

<p>You'd probably use extension elements, or somthing

more interesting in real life: 3+4 is <xsl:value-of select="3+4"/>.





How to Get Started

Start with your XML Document

Want to transform the following XML document ("cdcatalog.xml") into XHTML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>



    <title>Empire Burlesque</title>

    <artist>Bob Dylan</artist>










View XML file


Create an XSL Style Sheet

Create an XSL Style Sheet ("cdcatalog.xsl") with a transformation template:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"


<xsl:template match="/">



    <h2>My CD Collection</h2>

    <table border="1">

    <tr bgcolor="#9acd32">

      <th align="left">Title</th>

      <th align="left">Artist</th>


    <xsl:for-each select="catalog/cd">


      <td><xsl:value-of select="title"/></td>

      <td><xsl:value-of select="artist"/></td>








View XSL file


Link the XSL Style Sheet to the XML Document

Add an XSL Style Sheet reference to your XML document ("cdcatalog.xml"):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="cdcatalog.xsl"?>



    <title>Empire Burlesque</title>

    <artist>Bob Dylan</artist>










If you have an XSLT compliant browser it will nicely transform your XML into XHTML!

View the result in IE 6 or Netscape 6 and

View the result in IE 5 7


Example Explained

·         An XSL style sheet consists of a set of rules called templates.

·         Each <xsl:template> element contains rules to apply when a specified node is matched.

XSLT uses Templates

·         The <xsl:template> element contains rules to apply when a specified node is matched.

·         The match attribute is used to associate the template with an XML element. The match attribute can also be used to define a template for a whole branch of the XML document (i.e. match="/" defines the whole document).

·         The following XSL Style Sheet contains a template to output the XML CD Catalog

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"


<xsl:template match="/">



   <h2>My CD Collection</h2>

   <table border="1">

     <tr bgcolor="#9acd32">













·         Since the style sheet is an XML document itself, the document begins with an xml declaration: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>.

·         The <xsl:stylesheet> tag defines the start of the style sheet.

·         The <xsl:template> tag defines the start of a template. The match="/" attribute associates (matches) the template to the root (/) of the XML source document.

·         The rest of the document contains the template itself, except for the last two lines that defines the end of the template and the end of the style sheet.

·         The result of the transformation will look (a little disappointing) like this:

My CD Collection





·         If you have Netscape 6 or IE 5 or higher you can view: the XML filethe XSL file, and the result

·         The result from this example was a little disappointing, because no data was copied from the XML document to the output.



Introduction to XSL-FO

What is XSL-FO?


XSL-FO is About Formatting

XSL-FO is an XML based markup language describing the formatting of XML data for output to screen, paper or other media.


XSL-FO is Formally Named XSL

§  XSLT, a language for transforming information

§  XSL or XSL-FO, a language for formatting information

§  XPath, a language for defining parts of an XML document

XSL-FO is a Web Standard

·         XSL-FO became a W3C Recommendation 15. October 2001. Formally named XSL.

·         To read more about the XSL activities at W3C please read our W3C Tutorial.

·         XSL-FO documents are XML files with output information.


XSL-FO Documents

·         XSL-FO documents are XML files with output information. They contain information about the output layout and output contents.

·         XSL-FO documents are stored in files with a *.fo or a *.fob extension. It is also quite normal to see XSL-FO documents stored with the *.xml extension, because this makes them more accessible to XML editors.


XSL-FO Document Structure

XSL-FO documents have a structure like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<fo:root xmlns:fo="">



  <fo:simple-page-master master-name="A4">

    <!-- Page template goes here -->




<fo:page-sequence master-reference="A4">

  <!-- Page content goes here -->



Structure explained

·         XSL-FO documents are XML documents, and must always start with an XML declaration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

·         The <fo:root> element contains the XSL-FO document. It also declares the namespace for XSL-FO:

<fo:root xmlns:fo="">

  <!-- The full XSL-FO document goes here -->


·         The <fo:layout-master-set> element contains one or more page templates:


  <!-- All page templates go here -->


·         Each <fo:simple-page-master> element contains a single page template. Each template must have a unique name (master-name):

<fo:simple-page-master master-name="A4">

  <!-- One page template goes here -->


·         One or more <fo:page-sequence> elements describe page contents. The master-reference attribute refers to the simple-page-master template with the same name:

<fo:page-sequence master-reference="A4">

  <!-- Page content goes here -->


Note: The master-reference "A4" does not actually describe a predefined page format. It is just a name. You can use any name like "MyPage", "MyTemplate", etc.


·         XSL-FO uses rectangular boxes (areas) to display output.


Where to Transform

o   XML is everywhere in distributed computing architectures.

o   It can be the native format in an XML database or created by conversion from a non-XML database, ERP (Enterprise resource planning ) application, legacy system, or EDI data source.

o   XML can be sent anywhere inside or outside the enterprise to expose information or functionality or to create an extended enterprise

o   Since many web browsers contain XML parsers and support XSLT, XML can go all the way to the end user’s client.

XML Everywhere in a Generic System Architecture

The decision about where to transform is a business one