The American Revolution Life in Colonial America Image Gallery



The American Revolution

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American History Place - Timeline 1763 - 1777 Prelude to American Revolution and the War - see events as a timeline.
Historic Valley Forge: Who Served Here? Explore the list of famous Revolutionary military leaders who spent some time at Valley Forge, Pa.
Fort Ticonderoga Historical Site Understand the role of this NY State Fort during the American Revolution.

Play the Road To Revolution Quiz Game

Test your knowledge about the American Revolution, and see if you can navigate your way to independence. Every correct answer gets you closer to liberty!
America's Story From America's Library Read stories about Colonial America and some of her heros

The Colonies

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The Original 13 Colonies The story of each of the 13 colonies by colony. Who founded it, who lived there, how they lived.
Jamestown Online Adventure Imagine you are the captain of the Jamestown Colony. Play this interactive game and feel the sea spray...
The First Thanksgiving Timelines, The Mayflower Voyage, 1620-1621 Experiences leading up to the first Thanksgiving

Liberty! The Chronicle of the American Revolution

This PBS site is rich in information about people, places and feelings during this important time in our country's history.

4th and 5th Grade Student Research Resources: United States History Resources


One of the most significant, appropriate and diverse site filled with links to other sites for researching all aspects of Colonial America.
University of Georgia's Rare Map Collection See, reference and print authentic maps of the Colonial Period and Revolution like this one at left of the Roanoake Valley in Virginia.

Art, Music and Literature

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Early Thunder

This novel by Jean Fritz offers a more balanced view than most of the period immediately preceding the Revolutionary War.

The Courage of Sarah Noble

This fact based novel by Alice Dagliesh shows us a white family of settlers and their friendship with local Indians through the eyes of the eight year old daughter.

Standing In The Light: The Captive Diary of Catherine Carey Logan, Delaware Valley, Pennsylvania, 1763

Read about Catherine Carey Logan and life in Delaware Valley, Pennsylvania during the times leading up to the Revolution.


A Journey To The New World: The Diary of Patience Remember Whipple, Mayflower 1620

Read a first hand account of a young girl's experience traveling to the New World.
Early American Paintings - Worcester Art Museum Visual tour and timeline with short detail on each painting.
Popular Songs in American History Listen to the songs from the Colonial Period and read about them too!
National Gallery of Art - American Portraits of the Late 1700s A visual collection of the works of Thomas Sully, Charles Willson Peale and Mather Brown.
National Gallery of Art - John Singleton Copely A beautiful visual tour of John Singleton Copley's work. He was the foremost artist in colonial America and was virtually self-taught as a portraitist.
Early American and Colonial Literature Explore a complete list of authors, what they wrote and why, newspapers and magazines of the period.
The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Read the poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow about the nation's most famous silversmith!

Life in Colonial America

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Education in the Colonies What was school like for a colonial kid?
National Park Service - Colonial Kids Site By age, by activity - be a kid during colonial times.
Colonial Kids What was it like to be a child in colonial America? Read, hear and see...
The African American Experience During the 18th century, half of colonial Williamsburg's population was black. Learn about life as a black person during the colonial period.
Fun and Games in the 1700s How to play the games and design the toys that Paul Revere crafted for his children.
Girls on The Mayflower The official Mayflower History site details the experiences of young girls on the voyage and beyond.
Introduction to 18th Century Clothing Colonial Williamsburg Official Site rich with all aspects of Colonial life, especially in Virginia.

Image Gallery

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The New England Primer - our nation's first text book
Pencil drawing of early one room schoolhouse
Benedict Arnold
Battle of Bunker Hill
Battle of Brooklyn Heights
Bunker Hill
The Signing of the Declaration of Independence
The Signing of the Declaration of Independence
Portrait of George Washington
John Paul Jones
Declaration of Independence and Liberty Bell
Battle of Trenton, NJ
George Washington on Horseback
George Washington crossing the Delaware River
Revolutionary Soldier with gun
Revolutionary Soldier in the Snow at Valley Forge