CS 385 Artificial Intelligence

  • Instructor: Prof. Sung-Hyuk Cha

  • CRN: 56973

  • Meeting:
    • Time: Friday 10:10 - 01:10 PM, Spring 2005
    • Place: Rm TBA PLV

  • Textbook: Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 2nd edition.

  • Course Goals:
    To provide a broad introduction to Artificial Intelligence. The course will cover both fundamental concepts such as search and knowledge representation, as well as applied work in areas such as planning and vision. This course is intended for Computer Science students who have never taken an introductory AI course as well as nonspecialists who wish to acquire a general familiarity with AI. Topics include logic and representation in intelligent agent design, reasoning (search, prediction, planning, explanation), and a overview of AI problems in vision, language, learning, robotics, and computational design.

  • Prerequisites: CS 232 and CS 242 and MAT 137

  • Lecture Notes: can be accessed using the http://blackboard.pace.edu.
    Blackboard Login Procedures for Registered Students are available here

  • Schedule:

    1 (1/28) Ch 1 Introduction
    2 (2/4) Ch 2 Intelligent Agents
    3 (2/11) Ch 3 Solving Problems by Searching
    4 (2/18) Ch 4-5 more on Problem Solving
    5 (2/25) Ch 7 Logical Agents
    6 (3/4) Ch 8-9 First-Order Logic
    7 (3/11) Ch 10 Knowledge Representation
    8 (3/18) Midterm Exam
    9 (3/25) Spring Break, Easter
    10 (4/1) Ch 13-14 Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning
    11 (4/8) Ch 18 Learning from Observations
    12 (4/15) Ch 19-20 More on Learning
    13 (4/22) Ch 19-20 More on Learning
    14 (4/28) Review
    15 (5/6) Final Exam

  • Evaluation:
    • Online Quizzes (10%): There will be six online quizzes. Topics will be those covered most recently. Your lowest score on the quizzes will be dropped.
    • Homework (30%): There will be two homework assignments. They will consist of a combination of written problems and programming asignments.
    • Midterm Exam (30%): October 24th
    • Final Exam (30%): December 19th

  • Course Policies
    • All homeworks must be submitted at the beginning of the class. No late homework will be accepted.
    • No makeup for quizzes. One missed quiz is treated as the lowest score.